Devoted to something deeper

“’Beauty is truth, truth beauty,' - that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.”

— John Keats


I’m off and away to the mountains of Scotland for a little climbing adventure and some Ascension meditation teaching this week. Not so much mixing pleasure and business but pleasure and pleasure. I’m very excited, it’s gonna be grand.

But enough about me …

Here’s something I was talking to my group about last week, and I thought you might find it useful/inspiring.

I always say to focus on ‘what is’ not ‘what if’ –

But a sense of vision and where you’re going is very useful.

To that end, here's a question.

What if you never gave any more conscious attention to:

– what you don’t want

– what you don’t like

– what could go wrong

– what other people think

What if you made your life solely a celebration of all that is good, right, beautiful and true?

What would happen then?

What would you do?

Who would you be?

What could you achieve?

Who could you impact?

“Impossible”, some might say, “Being a human necessarily involves suffering, the bad, the wrong, the ugly and the lies. Anything else is being a pollyanna, sticking your head in the sand and ignoring the brutal reality of life (grump)”.

But (again) … what if your life didn’t have to be this way?

What if suffering was simply an idea we picked up along the way, a belief that’s not necessarily true?

And how will you know unless you test it out, fully?

Now – there is a difference between being aware of possible downsides and focusing on them, right? Know the difference, super important.

However – an undeniable fact is that you focus on, grows – and focusing on the Good means you can become the Good and create more of it wherever you go.

In doing so I think there are a couple of things that are necessary.

They are the willingness:

1. To cleanly reset when you realise you’ve fallen short. To simply jump back on the horse. To be present and get excited about the chance to go again, to try again.


2. To go beyond the voice of our fears and inadequacies. Devoting your life to the Good is a simple thing, but not easy. There’s a voice in your head that’s very happy complaining and blaming and coming up with reasons why not. It’s important to see, and ignore this voice, otherwise it’ll ruin the whole show; it'll keep you small and limited and afraid.

Both are important, but be aware particularly of #2. There IS a voice that doesn’t want to take responsibility or move forward in life. Our heads are so often filled with all the reasons why we can’t, but to what point is this just a habit?

You are the creator acting upon these voices.

Don’t let them be a reality. Change your mindset and be open to a greater possibility – and that’s what this is all about. Assuming there might just be a greater possibility for you in any given moment.

Look and see – give it a shot. There’s nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Let me know how it goes. I look forward to hearing how your experiments in your attention and the Good unfold for you.

Talk soon,



To gain the freedom to decide which voices you listen to and which you ignore, rather than have them control you unconsciously,

A meditation/mindfulness/inner practice is necessary.

It’s time spent clearing out the weeds of negativity and limitation and planting good things in fertile soil.

More calm, clarity, contentment and focus … through a very enjoyable and recharging practice.

Do something!

If you’d like to join me, the next Ascension weekend is next weekend, 10-12 April (start 7pm Friday).

Always free to repeat, we have space.

Reply or message me for details.