Three things

Life is simple, it really is.

“To do the useful thing, to say the courageous thing, to contemplate the beautiful thing_ that is enough for one man's life.”.png

If you can consistently do these three things, combined with presence and wisdom, you’re in marvellous shape.

But we make it so complicated. We are a culture that constantly chases more without an appreciation of the basics, without being anchored in the fundamentals of what makes a life we can be proud of, and excited by.

Sometimes we have glimpses of these, we step back and all is put in perspective, all is well; other times life is just a haze, a chase, a running around in circles. We miss the point of life so easily.

I get all this may be simple but not easy to do, but begin. Prioritise and remember, prioritise and re-remember, and you will get there.