Cake or Death?

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Eddie Izzard has a very cool sketch called Cake or Death. Seen it?

I’ve just attempted to describe it about 12 million times, and failed, so best you just go and watch the clip.

(the long version is a bunch funnier but with cussing and because I don’t know where you stand on swearing, I’ve gone for the safe for work version)

It’s unrelated to what I’m going to say, but I do like to keep you entertained so go and watch and come back.

Regardless whether you watch or not, the fact is that in life, we wrestle with reality soooo much because it feels there are only two possible, opposite outcomes:

Cake or Death.

All good or All bad – there is nothing else. (Or so it appears.)

It’s terrifying … “If I don’t get and hold onto what is good, the Cake, I will have nothing but Death – lack, missing out, loneliness, chaos.”

And so we grip tighter, with more and more control.

It works too, to a degree – you can absolutely force your reality with varying degrees of destruction to your peace, your relationships and a good night’s sleep.

The trouble is not only do these side effects pile up, it’s that all of the over the top control and force just isn’t necessary.

The trouble is we don’t see reality clearly.

We don’t see that actually life is always a Cake or Cake situation: All good, and only good outcomes.

While we fear one option of cake moving away, vanishing, we’re just not omniscient enough to see that another, tastier piece of cake is coming, and is just around the corner.

This whole world is nothing but precise in what it brings to you, but you have to let go of the control in order to see it. When you step sideways from the fear, you can always see clearly.

There is such beauty in trust, and such alignment too.

Cake or Cake … there is no other option.

So: play your part, but release control too – just a smidgeon, just for now. You might love it and learn to live like that.