So often people get confused thinking being present and being able to plan for the future and have goals don’t go together.
They do, they absolutely do.
We need something to move towards. We are never happier than when we’re working towards something and improving.
You plan and have dreams and desires and ideas, but from a completely different place.
Here’s the first thing you need to understand:
The inner game, at its core, is not just about being more present, but learning to become Presence itself.
Presence is eternally present, but it never changes. It gives you stability in a world that is constant change, and out of your control.
The more you become Presence, the more you realize that you have a mind, but you are not it. It becomes a tool, not the master of your life.
Being filled with Presence means:
1. You get clear
Your mind doesn’t muddy your desires with negativity and limitation. You truly want what you want, and don’t talk yourself out of it, thinking you shouldn’t.
2. Planning is simple, clean, easy
You use the mind to do the job, you get out. It’s drama, distraction, doubt free. You use the mind, you put it down.
3. You need nothing
You are content with the way life is. You are happy just because. You may want many many things, but you don’t need them to fulfill you. The difference is huge.
4. You’re unattached
You have an idea, a plan, a desire, but you’re wide open to how that comes about. Again, your happiness does not depend on anything particular happening.
5. Hope is not specific
You have trust and hope, but it’s global: Life is good. Life is happening FOR you (not TO you) – so you know if something in particular doesn’t work out, something better will be along.
6. You know you don’t know
You’re so aware that you have no idea what will happen in one second’s time, let alone tomorrow. You plan, but you know holding onto those plans is futile, so you don’t.
7. You don’t control
It’s very clear what you are in charge of, and that is very little. However, you focus on that and let go of everything you can’t control. This gives great peace, and the end of frustration.
8. You meet the need of the moment
You may set a plan and a timetable, but that is flexible as new information comes to light. You can adjust, pivot, be flexible to change: You don’t insist, you flow.
9. You never get overwhelmed
You may have a challenging and lofty goal or desire, but you are flexible enough to hold that and focus on what can be done right now to bring you closer. The process becomes a completely joyful journey.
Don’t stop doing stuff.
But be complete, be filled with presence, then you can truly make the most of every thing you do.
Go well!