Having a hero is a wonderful guide, however …

“If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it's not your path.

Your own path you make with every step you take. That's why it's your path.”

— Joseph Campbell

Do you remember, back in the day, you’d see wristbands with W.W.J.D. on them?

W.W.J.D. – “What Would Jesus Do?” — A powerful question, a powerful reminder to live up to some kind of higher standard.

It doesn’t matter, to me at least, who that is – Jesus or someone else; what does matter is the aiming high, the intention to live a noble, truthful, Good life.

Having heroes and role models is so great.

But don’t you think the real question is, “What Would I Do?”…?

The thing is we don’t trust ourselves, we’re so used to looking somewhere else for wisdom – and so the trap is we just end up copying someone else.

We end up playing a role, not living OUR truth.

And there’s too much thought about it, too many shoulds, too much pressure on you to conform to some ideal, instead of living purely and freely as you were born to live.

I think there comes a point in the inner journey where you are invited to trust.

Not so much trust your life will turn out fine if you let go (although that’s all part of the game) but more trust in your own being that you can stop trying to be someone you’re not.

This is most certainly venturing into the unknown. But what else are you going to do? There’s no one else to copy because no one has ever done this moment, and no one can do it like you. 

You can draw inspiration from HOW your heroes lived. With courage, with peace, with wisdom … but trying to squeeze yourself into a WHAT they would do just squashes.

So – as always – connect with your higher Self. Then: What do you do?

Enjoy playing with this, alright? And go well!
