"You are the only problem you will ever have and you are the only solution."
— Bob Proctor
A question:
“How do you stop the everyday things and people's habits that automatically irritate you?”
If you look carefully, you’ll find there’s always 2 things to anything that irritates, annoys, or angers – or even makes you sad:
There’s the trigger/prompt (the person, situation, event), and your reaction to the prompt.
One way of getting rid of irritation is to get rid of the trigger. But you can’t always do that, right?
In fact, the world is reliably deaf to our demands that it be different so we can be at peace.
It actually wants to show you how to be at peace and free of irritation no matter what; regardless – anywhere and anytime.
So it will highlight these things all the more! Not to frustrate and torture you, but set you free.
Aha! The world IS indeed happening for you, not to you.
So we’re left with dealing with your reaction to the trigger. Which is SO much easier.
Here all you need the presence of mind to realize that your reaction is about you. It’s not about them, it’s your reaction: it’s all about you.
In a very real way you’re taking full responsibility for your responses.
This alone introduces a little space into what seems to be an automatic dynamic, meaning you have more ability to respond in the way that you wish.
Practice makes perfect, but you stop immediately pointing the finger outside of yourself.
You get more aware of what you are doing, meaning you can change the trigger response into something less habitual and more conscious.
The sooner you see it and the sooner you own it, the less out of control momentum it creates.
Now – this does not mean you lie down and become a door mat. Your response may be to seek to change the trigger. But you do it with FULL awareness, not as an unconscious “this is what I always do” knee-jerk reaction.
Maybe you know Ascension, so you can use the Attitudes to break the physical stress and habitual programming around the reaction. It injects more space and more awareness into proceedings, which is a wonderful thing.
Taking a few deep breaths is a very helpful thing too, especially if you can catch the irritation/anger before it becomes a monster. Catch it early and it’s easier to re-direct. Always.
You can then focus on something else, something you can control.
As all parents of young children know, exhaustion and stress makes all negative reactions so much quicker.
Rest and prioritizing your peace means you can respond so much easier in ways you want to, rather than later regret.
Taking time to go within, having some sort of practice is a must for living well.
I don’t know how anyone lives without this kind of reset, every single day. Maybe that’s why anxiety and regret and worry and sleepless nights and minds that are far too busy are such a prevalent thing today.
So if you want less irritation and anger about things you have no control over?
If you want a quieter mind, one that is less stormy and more calm?
Going within and prioritizing your peace is crucial.
Good luck!
But practice, practice, practice. Don’t see it as a chore, but something you’re doing so you can be better at being You.
Because then ALL of life is easier, simpler, better.
Go well!