“Just because you can’t see the whole stairway … doesn’t mean you don’t take the first step.”
— Martin Luther King
Step up. Even when you don’t know.
The fact is, we never know. We think we know … but it’s all a guess, an assumption.
What you do know is what is here, right in front of you.
Even though you will never really see the top of the stairs, all you have to pay attention to is the very next step.
Stop floating off into the future. Get present.
The next step is manageable, the next step you can do.
The next step is not stressful. You may have to make a decision, "Yes or No?" – but you can do that, and you must. Sitting on the fence just hurts.
The top of the staircase? No one can do that – but when we try it freaks us right out, and we shut-down. Nothing happens.
It is said that you are never given more than you can cope with. When you try and take in the whole staircase, that may seem a lie.
However, you can handle the next step, that much is true.
As MLK also said,
“Keep moving. If you can’t run, walk. If you can’t walk, crawl. But keep moving.”
Make your life about the next step.