Humility versus self-doubt

“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.”

— C.S. Lewis

A question:

“What is the difference between humility and self-doubt?”

Well, humility is not something you have to think about. It’s something you embody, something you simply are …

Whereas self-doubt most definitely stems from over-thinking, all based on an inability to rest, at peace, completely okay with who you are.

(Ironically, arrogance is often about self-doubt too. 

In a recent interview, author Caitlin Moran talks about how her previous loud and obnoxious ways were simply over-compensation for her insecurity and social anxiety

… Interesting huh?)

Just as arrogance is distasteful, humility is a wonderful thing to behold in another human being.

It’s a wonderful thing to experience yourself too.

Indeed, what truly kick-started my spiritual search was falling into this state of having nothing to prove and nothing to hide.

Almost like clouds parting, I’d be free of self-doubt, criticism, and analysis for a time. All that was left is simple contentment, I was perfectly okay to be me.

Actually, it was more like pure existence, with no edit, no sharp edges, dropping the defenses … not much thinking, more like a simplicity and lightness of being. 

And how freeing is it to be without insecure over-thinking and over-analyzing everything that I did?


A quiet mind is very addictive, in a good way.

So – 

Humility is related to your true nature, self-doubt and arrogance is thinking too much and faulty mind programming.


What do you do to have more humility and less doubt?

Align with the inner stillness and quiet of your higher Self.

All the funky bits of programming and self-talk fade away, what is left is perfect ease, love, pure contentment.

For more humility, seek first the presence at the core of your being.

When you go within, you get so much more. 

You nurture the root, the foundation, the center of your being. 

You change your whole life, with one simple choice.

And you change the world. Because the world is suffering with insecurity, anxiety, and a lack of love and ease.

Bring that in.

As always, the answer to any question of how to change is to head within.

Enjoy the journey!

Go well,
