Sorry there was no email last week. I was feeling too sick to get up to much. That’s the thing about having kids – seems like Sumati and I get exposed to so many new and exciting bugs.
But it’s an interesting thing.
I could have pushed through and delivered something for you. However, I’ve learnt enough about myself over the years to recognise when I’m merely disinterested and/or a little tired/lazy, versus those few times when I really need to do as little as possible.
It’s an important balance to see in yourself.
There ARE forces beyond our control that we don’t want to (and ultimately can’t) ignore; AND we’re so often poor at consistently doing what we can to make something happen.
Especially in the spiritual world, we can get so “surrendered”, trusting and accepting that nothing gets done: we confuse not pushing and controlling with not doing anything.
One of my favourite spiritual teachers is Anthony de Mello. He tells a story that illustrates this perfectly:
A disciple came riding on his camel to the tent of his Sufi Master. He dismounted and walked right into the tent, bowed low and said,
“So great is my trust in God that I have left my camel outside untied, convinced that God protects the interests of those who love him.”
“Go tie your camel, you fool!” said the Master. “God cannot be bothered doing for you what you are perfectly capable of doing for yourself.”
(From “The Prayer of the Frog”.)
Surrender doesn’t mean doing nothing. Life most certainly requires you to play your part. Waiting for life to bring you what you can do for yourself is a complete waste of ... life.
You could see it as being like we’re invited to this dance.
We can sit on the sides and wait for life to come to us … or we can get up and approach life and see if it wants to move. Which is always at least a little uncomfortable, right? Especially if you think you don’t know how to dance.
Yet life is nothing but a willing and patient partner. If you're mindful, it will guide you. But: 1). you have to ask, and 2). you have to stay in the dance. You have to dance WITH life. You can’t ask and then sit down again, expecting life to dance alone.
Now; sometimes you’ll be dancing backwards and blind; sometimes you’ll be spun in circles and confused; sometimes you have to be patient as it seems life is taking a detour … but stay in.
You learn to let go more and more, you learn to flow with life more and more. You learn what your style is, you learn your strengths and weaknesses, you learn when you can take the lead.
You learn to enjoy the dance, not to get to the end of the song, but for each and every step as it unfolds.
But you need to ask, and you need to stay in – alrighty?
And don’t water your desire to dance down either … which is such a spiritual trap. Your dance IS important to you; and as you dance it’ll show you what it’s truly like to be alive.
Sitting on the sidelines waiting for life to come to you, waiting for your “turn”? Boring and unsatisfying as anything, no matter how much you spiritually justify it.
So – Don’t wait for life to do what you need to do yourself. Trust in God but tie up your own darn tootin' camel.
Maybe it’s the greatest life lesson we could all learn?
Anyway, enjoy your discoveries in it.
Go well.