How can I help?

“Self-absorption in all its forms kills empathy, let alone compassion. When we focus on ourselves, our world contracts as our problems and preoccupations loom large. But when we focus on others, our world expands. Our own problems drift to the periphery of the mind and so seem smaller, and we increase our capacity for connection – or compassionate action.”

— Daniel Goleman


Despite appearances, it’s still not a dog-eat-dog world. Unless you want it to be. You have that power to define your life as you wish. But who wants to be a dog chasing a bigger dog yet terrified of losing out to the next dog on the up?

Not me, no ma’am, no thank you.

Despite our divisions, our differences of opinions, despite the opinions of internet wise people (ask – What do they have to gain by you believing that? What are they selling?), it’s not the end times. We’ve been here before. So don’t panic.

These ARE times that show us that our sphere of concern is much larger (due to the infinite amount of information we have immersed ourselves in) than our sphere of control (due to us being, you know, relatively puny human beings with finite reach). And that freaks us out.

So - the question is, “What CAN you control?”.

What are you in charge of?

Overwhelmed on a global scale, or just at the sheer out of control monstrosity that is your to-do list, or the outrageous demands, expectations and insistences you place upon yourself?

What can YOU control?

Keep it moment to moment. Add a huge pinch of patience, acceptance, love and compassion. From here, keep it local. 

“How can I help?” is a beautiful part of this – an attitude of service that you can bring to each and every moment. In small ways, in small gestures, you make all the difference.

Giving to others lifts your chin, it lifts your spirit, it lifts all around you.

Then maybe ask yourself:

“How do I uniquely feel inspired to help?”

Trust yourself. We ARE finite beings. We need to say no to many things so we can say yes to what we have the unique ability to really affect. Your interests and passions and skills and abilities are the guide to this. Trust your gut. Back yourself. A no is fine. It gives time and space and energy for the yes. A should is just rotten. 

“How can I help?”

It helps you.

Make a difference, all round. Don’t make life about what you can get; make it about what you can give.

Go well,



Seriously – how can I help?

Let me know.

If you need a speaker for your group or event?

I am so excited when I get a chance to talk to groups of people - small or large - how they can be more at peace with themselves and the world, feel like they’re in control of their own minds and lives, so they can live a life they’re proud of, and excited by.

Could be in person, might be easier online, podcasts, radio, magazines …

Whatever, let me know! I’d love to help.


So – if you’re liking these emails, why not take a punt on my new book? I think it would be right up your alley.

“Chasing More and Finding Enough – How Being is the Greatest Foundation for Everything You Do” is available on Amazon and online book sellers, all over the world.

If you enjoyed it, would you be kind enough to leave a review?

If you thought it was awful, would you be kind enough to take a moment to tell me why?

Both would be super helpful, thank you, although I’m not going to pretend that I really hope you like it. ha!