“Love, I’ve heard it said, is best spelled T-I-M-E.”
— Ryan Holiday
Look, I realise for most of you that you don’t have a ton of spare time lying around, just waiting to be filled with whatever you fancy.
I do appreciate that life is full and busy and you have to schedule things well in advance.
It doesn’t change the truth of our man Ryan’s insight.
Love and time are inextricably linked.
And a great way of looking at how we spend our time is that we never HAVE to do stuff, but we GET to do it.
We get to choose how we fill our time.
That alone is a major difference between feeling like you’re stuck in something versus consciously choosing to do it.
You never have to do life, you get to.
That kind of small shift in gratitude is something quite powerful when you bring that attitude.
So in terms of love and time and getting to live –
1). Get clear on what you’re saying yes to.
We’re always prioritising, we’re always saying yes to something.
And when you say yes to one thing, you’re saying no to a bunch of other things.
So what are you spending time on that, in your grand scheme of things, isn’t that important?
Is making sure the house is in perfect order as important as a snuggle and a book on the couch with your kids before bedtime?
Because they sure won’t be that interested the older they get.
Is searching for the perfect bargain on Vinted as important as consistently reaching out to your partner, chatting, sparking some fun, building some deeper bonds?
Because if you don’t feed something it might just die through neglect … and not a lack of love.
What are you saying yes to?
2). Quality is better than quantity.
And if you’re really present, really there with them –
As opposed to sitting next to them but just trying to “quickly catch up on those msgs” (which, if you’re honest, will show you how much multi-tasking just does not work) –
Only a little time can be filled with so much Quality that it becomes fulfilling and whole.
They walk away an expanded version of them, and you do too...
Just that bit more alive and connected.
What you create really depends on where you are,
So be where your feet are.
If you’re going to do something, really fully and completely do it.
3). Share joy not drudge
Sure, a quick moan about the guy at the office or how the car just died and you had to walk home in the rain or whatever is important …
But be careful.
You get to imbue your time with whatever you wish.
And … what you focus on, grows.
The verbalisation of something just makes it more real somehow.
I’m not saying don’t be clear, don’t get support …
But there’s a balance.
Nine times out of ten, do you want to be bringing whine to the table? Or something worth celebrating?
Is it really important to bring into the moment, or can you let it go?
There’s always something fun in the hardest of days. Always.
You just have to look for it.
And the more you look, the more you’ll find.
So there’s a few things for you to consider.
We really are blessed to be alive. We get to fill our time with as much love as we like.
I know it doesn’t feel like that sometimes,
But it doesn’t not make it true.
Maybe it’s one of these things that the more you keep in mind, the more you practice, the more it becomes a reality?
I think so.
Anyways, if I can help, let me know. Just get in touch and let me know what's happening.
Go well!
The last Ascension meditation course for 2023 is coming soon –
10-12 November (starts 7pm Friday)
Come along!
You will see life and your choice so much clearer.
You’ll have the tools to have freedom of choice over the negativity and FOMO of your mind.
You'll be able to be as present and mindful as you like.
And you’ll meet a wonderful bunch of folk too.
Reply or msg me and I’ll get back to you asap with details.
Tap the link below and we’ll chat more:
Talk soon!