Swirling Leaves and Shifting Moods: A Lesson in Choice

"The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes."

— William James


It sounds so simple now, but at the time, it was a bit of a revelation.

The rain was pouring, and I could have just huddled further under my hood, miserable. But then I noticed the leaves swirling and circling, racing and getting caught on their way down the drain.

I’d just finished my paper round in the pouring rain, and my brother was late to meet me. I was ready to tell him what an ass he was, or maybe I’d play it cool but then find a way of getting back at him… strategies for revenge swirled around in my head before I saw nature swirling delightfully in front of me.

Something so simple, yet captivating, once I got out of my head and my "I wanna be home and dry and drinking hot chocolate" mindset. I gazed and stared, and time flew. I was absorbed. I didn’t even notice when my brother finally pulled up in the car. I didn’t really want to leave.

Funny, huh? More or less instant mood change.

You see, I noticed early on in my life that my attitude made a world of difference to… well, everything.

I could choose to be really annoyed and weighed down by my brother and the weather, other people, or circumstances, or I could be ready to enjoy whatever the moment had to offer.

Bizarre revenge ideas with snappy comebacks, or that kind of aliveness that comes when I find something of interest?

And that’s key: WHATEVER the moment contains, I can be grumpy and whiny, or I can shrug my shoulders and find something to appreciate or joke about.

A universal truth, I think.

Are you ready to enjoy? Or not? Because if you’re not at least open to a smile, you won’t!

It kind of makes sense, doesn’t it?

But I don’t think people realise how total our power is here.

So often, we give away our enjoyment (and effectiveness) because life isn’t happening the way we want it to.

Don’t give away your balance and clarity so easily, I say.

Life will life you, and this is your defense, your shield against the unwelcome and the unexpected (ironically, by not having anything fixed!):

Don’t let life define you; be ready to define it.

A crucial piece of the puzzle is curiosity.

Instead of a fixed idea and plan of what must happen, openness, interest, and curiosity mean you can engage and deepen your experience of the moment.

Mindfulness, right?

Rather than mindlessly sleepwalking through the moment you find yourself in, stumbling blindly toward a future ideal moment when you can finally enjoy, curiosity and this kind of present-moment innocence (a fundamental principle of Ascension) bring life to life.

You’re not waiting for life to be right to make you come alive; you’re bringing aliveness to whatever you find right now through the power of your attention.

Awe, wonder, amazement, being captivated, and immersed in the moment all follow. Flow. Transcendence. A feeling of perfection, of being beautifully aligned and right, comes, and gratitude follows too.

More enjoyment through being interested in what now contains—and a virtuous cycle of being ready to enjoy, showing up, and finding more to enjoy… and on and on you go.

You might have to go slower as you’re learning to juggle this as you get things done—

But—a) hastiness is never useful, and we spend a large amount of life rushing about (“Hastiness is the enemy of love,” as that guy I can’t remember once wrote. Which is true, isn’t it? At the end of the day, you probably want life to be about love and not rushing.)

And b) because of the above, going a little slower means fewer mistakes and more quality (and more fun cos it's less stressful).

Isn’t that cool?

So, if this is “all” your spiritual practice is, then wonderful!

It’s a small choice that, when consistently done, leads to something quite big.

Have the intention to practice, and go. See for yourself.

And maybe you’ve heard all this before, because let’s face it, none of the above is new ‘knowledge’. The Stoics, and no doubt people long before, figured out the same thing.

Yet the important point isn’t the collecting of wisdom, but the practicing of it. The becoming.

A huge number of people know, but so few take the extra step and become it.

This is one of those things that is key for a life well-lived—regardless of your version of success, this kind of becoming enhances everything you wish to achieve and experience.

Questions for you then:

  1. What's one situation where you know your attitude makes a big difference?

  2. How often do you find yourself 'waiting' for life to be perfect before you enjoy it?

  3. What does 'being ready to enjoy' mean to you?

Hey so – for the next 7 days, implement any or all of these mindset shifts. See what changes, and let me know.

Go well!



If I can help with that, let me know. I'm all about helping people find more joy and presence in their lives. If you're looking for support, don't hesitate to get in touch.


In that…

My Ascension practice has been a game-changer for me. It's helped me cultivate a sense of inner peace, even in the midst of chaos. It’s meant enjoyment rather than impotent frustration.

It’s a way out of the loops of worry, overwhelm, or stress, and it means more gratitude and presence, even when getting big things done.

If you're ready to experience that for yourself, join me in Richmond.

Next course is 25-27 April, here in Richmond, North Yorkshire.

Hit reply, comment, or send me a message to book your place.

Or for questions! Let me have them.

Talk soon.