I am a very happy chappy right now.
I’m a very happy chappy anyways, very content with my lot, but very shortly my ladies are leaving me in search of this thing called “London”.
This means two things: I can freely go to the cinema to see something mindlessly full - or is it mindfully less? Anyway, lookout Thor! Here I come.
Have you heard that joke? Thor’s riding his horse and is feeling rather pleased with himself; “I am Thor!” he yells.
At which is horse replies “well uthe a thaddle, thilly!”
And that is the clean version. Ahem.
The other thing is that I can head out kayaking all weekend if I wanna. The weather forecast is brilliant too, in that’s it’s all wet. Good stuff.
Which reminds me - a lesson for you, that kayaking taught me: Look where you want to go.
If you look at the rocks, you end up on them. If you look for the easy water, you’ll go there.
Profound huh? I thought so too.
OK - let me explain: You go where you put your attention. What you focus on, grows.
You focus on what could grow wrong, and that tends to be what happens. Focus on how much you don’t have, what is missing, what is lacking and that is what you get. Overwhelm and negativity and stress.
Focus on what is good, on what is right, on what you do have? Peace, confidence, optimism and enjoyment.
Now - it’s important you recognise what could go wrong, the reality of where you are now, but don’t dwell on it. Only a fool would kayak down a rapid without having a good look first. Once you’ve decided to go? Focus on what you need to do to get to the bottom safely and with a smile on your face.
I really hope that makes sense.
If it doesn’t make sense I really hope it entertained you. Because happiness and fun has to be the bottom line. Even hard work need not be a drudgery - it can be fun if you have the right attitude and focus on the right things.
What you focus on grows, your attitude makes all the difference. Let me know if I can help with something- Go well! Arjuna
PS. Adjusting your attitude is a simple matter of making a mindful, aware choice. Here’s a little practice that will help you be just that: