Are You Merely Surviving, or Really Thriving?

“If you don’t know what you want, you end up with a lot you don’t” - Chuck Palahniuk

If you’ve been reading for a while you know how much in esteem I hold Chuck.

The author of the “Fight Club” seems to speak directly to my being every time I see a quote from him.

He never settles for less.

And today is no different.

What is it that you want from this one and only life?

Past all the day to day must do’s, the distractions of merely surviving, how do you want your life to look?

What do you want to achieve?

It’s so important to know what you want the big themes of your life to be. Otherwise, just as Chuck says, you end up with so much you don’t want.

Where are you heading?

Just round in circles, surviving?

Or making steps to getting where you want to be and do, and thriving?

Thriving can’t just be in one area.

You also need to concern yourself with the how: How do you want to achieve those things?

With style and balance and enjoyment?

Or stressed, struggling, straining your relationships, giving no attention to your health or your fitness?

It’s an important question, equally important as to what you want to do.

What if you could have your cake and eat it too?

You can indeed have it all, even if right now you know you would like something to change, but you don’t know what it is.

What having it all needs as a basic is consistent clarity and the ability to be totally present. And you can simply have that, if you know how.

First thing I do every day is not charge into the day, but stop and take stock.

I use my Ascension meditation techniques, then grab a coffee and map out the day from a space of clarity and calm.

It sets the scene and makes sure I get more of what I want and not what I don’t want.

When I’m done at work, again I stop, settle down and use the Ascension meditation techniques.

It means I can let go of the day and embark on the evening that I want to, and not carry the day.

In bed before sleep, again I use the techniques. It means I can sleep well and wake feeling good, not anxious or worried or un-rested.

Simple rituals, but they make sure:

  • the day is enjoyable and effective, not stressed and spinning on the spot
  • that the evening is what I want it to be, with nothing lingering from work
  • and sleep is deep and restful so you can recover and go again

This quality of life and of perspective is simple to come by. You just need a few things:

To give the time to yourself to get that. And the right tools and the right understanding.

If you want these, join me 15-17 April, Ascension meditation course. £200 and you get to resit as many times as you like for free for the rest of your life as well as getting all the support and follow up you need.

Email me for a place.

Take it easy

- Arjuna

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