I’m so sore, and it’s all my fault. I can hardly type - seriously.
You see, it’s been 10 years since I have been kayaking on a river, and I spent the whole weekend thrashing myself, in a boat, out on the water.
And what fun it was.
Totally worth the pain and suffering right now.
Funny isn’t it? I’m pretty fit, I run and I lift weights and I do yoga, and yet I found new ways to hurt.
Lessons for you in this all?
As great as my life has been up to now, coming back to something that was the core of my life for so long - I was a kayaking addict - has added a welcome extra little sparkle.
I feel so good this morning.
You need to do the things that you love. You can learn to be content with anything and everything, but you need to get out and do those things that make you shine.
It is far too easy to not do them, to get into a rut of thinking other stuff is more important. It’s not.
When you do that what happens is that a bit average becomes the new normal. And that is not the basis of a great life.
The other lesson was in attitude.
You see the guys I was paddling with were testing me out.
So they threw me in the biggest, safest (read boring-est) kayak they could find. We had lectures on what would happen if someone (ie. me) came out of their kayak. And so on and so on.
And fair enough too, it has been 10 years. But I must confess I was a bit "yeah yeah whatever".
We turned up at the river and the water is barely moving. Hardly challenging at all. It wasn't looking like a good start to a fun day. Boring!
Before, the old me, pre-Ascension meditation would have had a grump, and been bored, and sulked.
And yet I had the best time. It was so fun.
I could have chosen to be bored but I didn’t. I made the most of what I had, ginormous safe boat and all.
Sounding like my dad now, but I made my own fun with what I had.
It was truly a good time. I surprised myself.
I learnt once again that I can be content and enjoy what I’m doing, even when my ego thinks things should be different.
It’s never about the situation, always about your relationship with it.
And they saw me having fun, and invited me back on Sunday for something harder, something more challenging.
Nice one!
No one wants to hang out with Mister Grumpy. Everyone wants to help out Mister Having Fun.
And so my fiancee was left waiting for a pick up at the train station while I was late off the river (“just one more go on that wave”) but it was all worth it.
To sum up?
Your choice matters. Your attitude changes everything.
What you do is important, and how you do what you do is even more so.
Do you have freedom of choice? Or do you get stuck in loops of certain emotion or certain thoughts or certain reactions?
If you want a way out, I have the means: 15-17 April. Give me £200 and I will give you everything you need to have complete and absolute freedom of choice: freedom from your own mind and negative patterns for the rest of your life.
Simple, easy, powerful.
Send me an email and you are in.
Hopefully I’m not still sore by then.
Take it easy! I know I will be.
- Arjuna
FREE ebook on meditation and mindset for ending stress, struggle and self-sabotage, and living an exceptional life: