Sometimes when I talk to someone who knows how to meditate they seem the same as the last time I talked to them. In other words, there is no change.
Which surprises me.
Most people who meditate change, at least the ones who use Ascension meditation - who I see the most of - do.
They don’t become different, just more of themselves. It’s like a light has been lit within them. There is an excitement about life and a calmness as well. It’s nice to see.
But sometimes I don’t see that, and I just worked out why that is.
When I quiz them they will say to me something like:
“oh, I practice being present all the time with my eyes open” or “I’m being mindful during my day”.
You see being “mindful” doesn’t mean change comes rapidly.
It’s a great start, but eyes closed is your meat and potatoes of change.
If you want to drop the limitations and the habitual patterns of behaving and reacting in ways that you rather you didn’t, then you need to close your eyes.
Closing your eyes is such a nice thing, it’s no ordeal - especially if you make yourself comfortable.
It actually is super restful and rejuvenating. You’ll start to look forward to closing your eyes.
It’s just that the busiest people, the ones who are most stressed, the ones that try and do everything, the ones that never stop, are the ones that have the hardest time with eyes closed.
Simply because it is so uncompromising in the stop factor.
There’s something in the “staying busy” habit that keeps the mind as the boss.
And it’s just a habit.
You actually need to stop to help others. It’s the “put your own oxygen mask on first” effect.
So don’t be a “Busy and Dizzy Lizzy” - if you value peace and clarity, if you want to be more effective and more helpful, the fastest way to get it is by closing your eyes, consistently.
Just do it, every day
- Arjuna
ps. I’ve been slowly putting together more of a page which tells you what happens in an Ascension meditation weekend. It’s coming along, but won’t be together for a few days. But I have recorded a video that explains something more about it.
If you’re interested, go here:
The course is 15-17 April, (start at 7pm on the Friday) super simple, super powerful techniques so you can be free of your stressful head. £200 and you can resit as many times as you like for free.
FREE ebook on meditation and mindset for ending stress and self-sabotage, and living an exceptional life: