
How kind are you really?


One of the biggest things that I remember about my heroes, the people I respect.

It’s not so much what you say or do, it’s how you make people feel.

My heroes all made me feel amazing,

Often by simply being super present with me, and giving recognition and appreciation.

Nothing like a word of recognition from one of your heroes huh?

You feel ten feet tall.

It’s not like they were all mushy and had their heads in the sand -

Some of them were hard as nails -

But they had a kindness as well.

They were interested in my growth, not pandering to my ego.

That is a sweet thing.

Kindness - with what you say and do, are you attempting to build or are you attempting to destroy?

And you know what?

It all starts with you, and how kind you are to your self …

There’s a sweet spot too -

Kindness as a form of building involves setting yourself useful boundaries.

Closing your eyes and practicing your Ascension is ultimately 1000000 times more kind than say, reading a book.

(If you don’t know how to Ascend? You’re so missing out!)

So no matter how tempting it is to pick up that book first -

Or flick through Facebook or instagram or your emails or whatever -

You do your practice first, and then grab the book or the phone.

It’s knowing that actually, having that second slice of cake isn’t that kind in the long run.

That 3rd G&T? Perhaps not, considering how much more on the back foot you’ll feel in the morning.

And then there’s the times when you just blow it all away. Wahey!

It’s not a rigid, harsh commitment:

With unrealistic expectations …

Where the voice in your head goes off over every little perceived failure,

It’s gentleness too.

Knowing that building up, becoming more, you’ll face your bad habits and that negative voice.

Sometimes you’ll be on track, sometimes you won’t.

So you pick yourself up again and keep going.

Because the kinder you are to yourself?

The kinder you are to everyone.


Great stuff.

And learn to end your stress and struggle.

Single greatest kindest thing you can do for yourself and everyone else.

Here's a free guide on losing frazzle and being 100% Alive:


Go well!


Kodak Courage

I went kayaking this weekend. (I thought the house and pregnant Sumati were all in good order for a few hours or so)

Lovely stuff it was.

A great group, a well oiled machine so far, we came around the corner to the main event.

The big scary rapid.

The large Kahuna.

The one the guidebook talks about and the one everyone tells stories about in the pub afterwards …

And not only did we have a large rambling party sitting eating their lunch,

Oh no,

But a gaggle of amateur photographers on a course.

What they were doing way out there who knows,

But their eyes lit up when they saw us.

We used to call it “Kodak Courage” -

That phenomena whenever there is a camera someone of lesser ability will attempt something harder,

That extra boost you get -

All for the photographic glory.

It works the other way too -

When you have a crowd,

People start to fall apart.

An interesting dynamic today was watching a team that had been styling down the river, fall into the same pattern.

Some did great,

Some did awful,

Some should have walked  - but they lived, and got their photo taken.

---> Self-induced pressure.

It messes with your mind and your skills.

How often has a rugby player kicked a ball over for a conversion in practice?

Come match day with a crowd and the result on their shoulders?

It’s much much harder.

You know this.

And it’s not just about the physical sporting realm.

It happens everywhere.

It's any skill, any decision making, any reaction.

Your mindset affects everything:

Your abilities at work, at home and at play,

And most importantly, your ability to enjoy yourself.

A crucial game is the mind game -

To every aspect of life.

For a solid, and solid foundation in mental fortitude and fitness

(I like the word “Resilience”)

And just plain happiness ...

I strongly believe everyone should have some kind of mental health / "fitness" regime.

You don’t get better at playing the guitar by accident.

You don’t get stronger by wishing it.

You don’t learn any skill or become anything different by doing nothing.

You do the work and get the results.

A regime, a practice, a thing you do to make you the master of your mind …

Is the greatest thing you can do for every part of your life.

Go here and I can help you with one that is super simple and extraordinarily powerful:

You won’t regret it:

https://arjunaishaya.leadpages.co/sane-fb/ Go well! Arjuna


I woke up sore from me adventures in me kayak.

It’s been too long, what with packing and shifting and lack of rain and what not.

And it was so worth every single ache and tired muscle …

Good times are worth it!
