Did you see that in the recent news a woman is claiming that drinking her dog’s urine keeps her beautiful (not for me thanks. How about you?),
A teenager got her head stuck in a truck’s modified exhaust after seeing if it would fit (it did, perfectly),
nd a Spanish police dog has been trained to revive people using CPR (where can I get one?)
On what fun!
This world is a marvellous, mad, bizarre place, is it not?
I love it.
The world can be a super enjoyable place - if you remember to keep things in perspective, maintain a sense of humour and stay present and curious. And perhaps your distance from the more energetically bizarre folks out there.
But here’s a bizarre thing that people do and believe: Let me tell you about it - I know it because I did it for a long time.
In the search for a more fun, free, and focused life -
Where you don’t lose it so much, where you stay firmly “on the handle” (as in, not flying off it), of having a life that is free from suffering, overwhelm, negativity … in other words keeping cool and calm and content, enjoying everything so you can be effective in what you do …
People believe that fun is not part of that.
That serenity and acceptance and contentment and presence is somehow a serious thing.
I'm not sure how that ever happened, but allow me to put that one to bed, right now.
All the enlightened people that I have ever met have laughed their little (and large) butts off, all day long. Mirth, joy, chuckles, guffaws, all the ways down to an inner smile … the whole time.
If you want to make sure you enjoy your life more? Do not fall into the trap of believing that any of this is a serious thing.
Hold certain principles as sacred perhaps, but laugh at them nonetheless.
Laughter comes easy, really it does. Seriousness of any kind is actually quite difficult. You can certainly train yourself to be serious, but really, it’s not much fun is it?
A path to heaven need not go through hell. That is your choice, and your choice alone. Just because some people believe that you need to struggle to get to where you want to go, in this thing you do not. No sir and/or madam!
I promise you.
Do not do what I did, which was hedge my bets a little and be a touch serious just in case. It is not necessary, ever.
The best way you can repay anyone’s love and kindness? Have a sensationally enjoyable life. And the best revenge - if you want to focus on that sort of thing? (Which I don’t really recommend, but up to you…) Exactly the same. Enjoy yourself, to the maximum.
Go well! Arjuna
PS. I really am quite excited about my book, 200% - an Instruction Manual for Living Fully. I’ve been working on polishing it, and it gotten quite a shine. It’s with the proof-reader as we speak, then it will head to the designer, and then you can get your hands on it!
I know I’ve been telling you about it forever but it’s coming closer to being available, truly. I will let you know as soon as I do. Super cool.