Had an email recently,
It said that what I talk about is difficult to practice.
And I get that.
Being appreciative, accepting, self- loving, trusting, compassionate, patient, fun with a great sense of humour …
Is all tricky to do -
In and of themselves.
And if you already feel like you’re trying to be the perfect mum,
For example,
All of this can seem like another nail in the coffin,
Another load to add to your back,
Another standard to live up to -
Of all the things you have to do,
And are good at forgetting and failing at.
Do you know what I mean?
But here is the answer to all questions in life:
Get present,
And everything flowers from that.
Get full of your own presence and awareness,
And you become more of everything -
More alive, more calm, more content, more creative,
Less overwhelmed, frazzled, harsh and judgemental of yourself.
It’s a wonderful thing -
A “buy one, get a million things free” type deal.
So don’t worry too much about all the things you have to “be” (as well as do),
(Though if you realise you have a choice and can choose to be more appreciative? How wonderful)
Just get full of presence.
Keep it this simple,
And life transforms from that.
Hurrah for simplicity.
Here's a bunch of simple, different ways to be more present and mindful,
If you were interested:
https://arjunaishaya.leadpages.co/sane-fb Go well! Arjuna
And Ascenders already have the ultimate tool in simplicity,
If you’d like a whole day to remind yourself, to inspire to greater heights?
Here you go!