Found a quote, purportedly by the Don himself.
Regardless of your opinion of him he’s hit the nail on the head right here:
“I try to learn from the past, but I plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the present. That's where the fun is.” ___________________
I’m not going to get into whether you want to be like him or not, it’s all a bit boring actually.
All of your best, most memorable moments?
- You were absolutely present, absorbed in what you were doing.
When everything came alive, when all of your senses tuned into the task (even if that task was as simple as staring at a fire?)
- You were so present and involved in the experience of being right here, right now.
When it seemed you could do no wrong, your skills just flowed, there was balance and excellence and fun?
- That's right -- You were completely present and immersed in this moment.
When there was no such thing as doubt or anxiety, your mind was calm with intuition and flow and creativity to the fore?
You focussed exclusively on the present, and the task, and nothing distracted you at all.
You thought very little, and allowed your body to do what it needed to do.
You know what I’m talking about?
Yes you do.
If you want more of those experiences?
You gotta be like the Trumpet.
(In some ways)
Learn to focus and be present and alive to this moment in time.
Just tune in, right now.
Give more attention to what is happening right now.
Think less.
Do more - even if that doing is doing absolutely nothing.
Train yourself to detach from pointless thinking.
Learn to become more here and less past/future.
Give up regret and worry and “I can’t”.
You gotta practice - you have to make time for this.
If you want more of those memorable moments,
If you want to fill up your life with awesomeness.
If you want to be a better athlete, better at your career, a better partner and parent and friend.
This moment is it.
Don’t miss out!
Keep the Peace Arjuna
I have a practice, a group of techniques that will develop your ability to be more present.
Super simple, super powerful, super cool.
Through using these techniques you get the ability to stick to this present moment.
Meaning more calm, more focus, more happiness.
A better life, where ever you direct your efforts.
If you’d like to get started, I'll send you a Quick Start Guide To Meditation for Busy People, and we'll talk more:
I'm out and about in the Italian Alps, arm wrestling mountain guides and yodelling and all sorts of character building type activities.
So I won't be writing as much - but if you do want to say hello or ask a question, do fire away - I will reply.