I did another talk about meditation to a wonderful group of people last night.
As much as I enjoy writing, I love being face to face with them.
And as much as strongly recommend that they should come and learn meditation and mindset from me,
I know a chunk won’t.
It’s just the way of it, isn’t it?
My aim therefore is to help in some small way - to remind, to encourage to look within rather than in “stuff” for satisfaction, to point out priorities.
The thing I’ve realised is that you already have what you need.
The gap between being the best version of yourself and being a snappy, grumpy, anxious, stressed monster is simple to leap …
When you know in what direction to jump.
This whole game is about remembering.
There is so little you need to learn, even though words and tools and support and coaching and all that stuff can feel like “new” knowledge.
The bottom line is that you already are what you seek.
Stop and read that again.
The tricky thing is remembering that state of being, that state of mind so you become it permanently.
Habits and programmes and beliefs all get in the way, meaning a practice is useful.
The practice?
It begins as simply as being present.
Being alive to every single moment.
And when you forget? Come back. Return.
That why you love the outdoors, you love the things you love to do - because you tune in, it makes you present. _____________
“During these moments I try to only focus on the present, the immediate here and now. I think this purity of thought and mind is one of the many reasons I continue to do what I do. Being able to escape the noise, clutter and business of daily life is a rare treat in this world.”
Graham Dickinson, BASE jumper, wing suit flier _____________
Escaping the noise and the clutter can be had by all, its closer than your next breath.
You can’t permanently escape the business of daily life, but you don’t have to carry a long “to do” list around where ever you go.
That can be a choice.
A permanent vacation from the pressures of your mind is possible.
And you have everything you need to do that.
Just be here and now. This is the end of stress and the beginning of full human experience.
Now don’t just take my word for it - try it! OK?
Keep the Peace!
Arjuna -
Want to hear more on HOW to get your mind in the right place?
I'm doing a seminar on the mind and sports performance in Darlington.
"5 things you need to know to stop your mind being your worst enemy”
+++ Learn to Perform Out Of Your Mind +++
Everything you need to get into the Zone easier, have a bullet proof mindset, learn to be present, rewire old patterns, rest deeper and recover faster, and have more fun than ever before.
Wednesday 26 October 7.30-9pm.
If you preregister, you get it for £3 rather than £5.
All proceeds go to the Felix Fund - the bomb disposal charity.
A night of fun, practical information you can apply straight away and giving to charity too. You can't go wrong!
Here's the link if you'd like a seat.