Getting more peace in your day

Everyone says they want peace. But not everyone has it. How about you?

Have you got more peace than you know what to do with?

Peace doesn't need to randomly happen to you. The amount of peace you experience in your day is down to one thing, and one thing only:

How much you prioritise it.

How much you make your own peace the most important thing.

Not later, when you’ve gotten through the things to do, but now - right now - in each and every moment.

It involves taking active steps to keep the peace.

It involves effort in as much as you need to dedicate parts of your day to closing your eyes.

It involves sacrifice in that you have to give up drama, as well as the addiction to the past and the future.

But it gives so much.

It means you’re running on full - you can operate from the best place possible.

You can do the things you want to do from a place of clarity and calm. All things might not become easy, but they do become straight forward. There’s no fuzzy thinking, just this, then that, then this. One thing at a time.

You get more creative - you have more headspace to come up with better solutions.

You have more energy, you are more relaxed. You notice the things around you, your senses come into focus.

You can have a quality interactions with the people you love, not just fitting them in around the thoughts in your busy head. You can truly nurture them, and be nurtured by them in return.

You smile more, you take yourself seriously less. Life is given perspective.

What I would do is take a look and see how you want to live your life.

The HOW is way more in important than the WHAT.

And it’s more in your control. The how you approach things is all about your attitude. And there you have choice.

But choice comes easier when it’s prioritised, when it’s practiced.

Cos that’s how you get rock solid - by practicing.

So if I were you, I would prioritise your choices for peace. Just do it and do it and do it until it becomes second nature.

Won’t take long, promise.

Have a great day - Arjuna ___________________________ How to be mentally fit, fluid and free