Hot Or Not? How To Get Effortless Blue Steel

All going well as the last few dark days of winter tick over?

I’ve just been into Darlington town, mayhem that it is.

Don't worry about me, I'm all shopped. Everything sorted, I’m just in town to spectate and partake of a pork pie.

Got something for my good lady wife that isn't a kayak.

I don't know why she doesn't want something as useful AND aesthetically beautiful as a whitewater craft, but there you go.

It is her only fault.

On my journey I happened across the most grumpiest man I have ever met.

Hate this town he said.

It's rubbish. It stinks, like a sewer bad. Newcastle is far better, apparently.

As my brother would say,

(and I love this expression so excuse me if it’s a little lowbrow) -

He had a face like a smacked arse.

He really did.

So I did what I usually do in such a situation -

I ran off as quickly as I could.

As soon as I made myself scarce, I realised something.

Since I am fully Christmas ready, I have a look of serenity on my countenance that says I am experiencing shopping peace.

Needing nothing, I am free of the bonds of suffering.

Now - I am a monk of sorts and so of course I do try and look incredibly tranquil most days -

Image and public relations are important, after all - it’s what you look like that counts most, is it not?

Actually I do believe I am being facetious … waggish and jesting and all …

Of course it’s not how you look, it’s all about how you feel.

You don’t have much choice in how you look, you’re just born that way.

But you do have a choice in how you feel.

Then (and what I realised with my Newcastle man), how you feel changes how you look.

It does - true!

The internal choice is an excellent beauty regime.

Internal contentment, clarity and calm affects your external physicality.

So (to get to the point):

If you want to be ridiculously good looking and throw down effortless Blue Steels a la Derek Zoolander -

You need to meditate, since meditation (and in particular the Ishayas’ Ascension which I do love), is a very fast path to internal steadiness and joy.

In order to give the gift of your hotness this Christmas,

And be irresistible to that certain someone …

Then focus on the good.

Feel good, look better.

But you’d better get to it - you only have 4 days left! Arjuna

PS. What else is important?

World peace or something?

PPS. Confused about where to begin with being calmer, or more focussed, or more content, or more happier?

Or confused how to continue? What to do? What if this and that happens?

Doing it but not sure? Or not doing it so you need help making it a habit?

I can help, for sure. Me and you can make all of this rapid, effortless and enjoyable for you.

Let’s talk turkey (and other things) when you opt in here: