Feeling fluuey today
(auto correct says fluffy —-> definitely not feeling that)
Can’t be bothered doing ANYTHING today.
Sore head, sore joints, snot.
You know it.
Here’s what is true:
Stuff only goes sideways when you’re tired.
Anger, frustration, depression.
All of that.
You have to protect your personal energy.
Then things can stay on a level.
Not get screwy.
Take time out - (you CAN do this - you’re not that irreplaceable)
I’ve got a zillion things to do before Thursday (tomorrow as this goes out!) and Mountain Mindset begins.
But I have to take it easy otherwise I’ll have nothing to give.
So sometimes, you gotta yourself permission to rest and do as little as possible.
You can’t charge every single day, because you’ll burn out.
Just give yourself permission to be blah.
Be okay not being okay.
Laugh at yourself, watch a comedy.
I’m going to watch a kayaking video or two, too.
Just cos I love it.
It feels like laziness to me.
What I would do, if I were you, is check out the Mountain Mindset trial.
Thursday 4th August at 7pm we do begin.
Shortly in other words, very shortly.
There is a seat available.
You want it?
Opt in and get all the info, and then you can tell me why you'd be an awesome “guinea pig”:
Take it easy,
PS. Look after yourself!
Then you can look after everyone else.
When you’re at 100%, everyone wins.
Here’s how: