Was having a bit of a low day - no energy, no motivation, a bit blah, perhaps my moon was in conjunction with Uranus, I’m not sure.
But whatever, I turned to my trusty inspiration pack:
The internet!
It can be such a time sink, but I think it used wisely - just like the Force - it’s such a source of inspiration.
And inspiration is gold.
I live to be inspired.
Found a video by Will Gadd. Will is a climber, and awesome at it.
He’s also a forty-something, like me, and is still charging at an extremely high level. That to me is inspiring. Here it is:
So his thing is to move. And I love to move, I love to do, to be active, to fill my days with amazing experiences.
But as right as Will is, equally important are those times to do nothing. To regroup, to rest, to recover, to learn to do nothing at all.
Doing nothing means doing something has a foundation. Without doing nothing action is hollow. It lacks meaning and presence. You can become like a blue arse fly - buzzing around without substance.
Both doing and not doing are important - balance is important.
I watched his video and it reminded me of how much I love to do, but it also reminded me of making the most of each and every moment, even when I feel blah.
Squeezing the most out of each day is not only an action, it’s an attitude; it involves your active attention and presence to whatever is right in front of you.
Close your eyes, every day. It’ll give you that presence that fills each moment
It’s as important as achieving and doing and becoming.
The Ishayas’ Ascension is a brilliant way to show you how:
Have a fun day
- Arjuna
I’m not teaching the course, but have some fine friends who are. I can fully recommend them. I’ll be about, helping in the background so it would be great to chat.
And remember! If you’ve previously learnt to Ascend, you can repeat for free. Well worth while.