Is one of the best athletes in the world the worst sportsman?

OK, so one thing first - I’m not a big football fan, being from New Zealand rugby’s more in my blood, but I love sports, especially when the underdog does good.

To catch you up if you didn’t know - as I write, tiny little Iceland just drew against Portugal. Awesome. Love that.

Ronaldo had a little hissy fit after the match …

I’m not a big fan of Ronaldo anyway (I attempted to spell his first name and gave up in laziness), he’s a bit too shiny and well manicured for my liking.

If we’re talking football players, Messi is more my cup of tea. He is amazing and yet seems so modest and humble.

And I guess when you’re in the public eye every moment, every word, every action is out there, you can’t hide, everything is up for misinterpretation.

And it’s so easy to point fingers from my little coffee table office.

But Ronaldo man showed me again why he’s not my personal number one guy.

He had a little whine and a moan, said the Icelanders played a small game. From what I read he said they didn’t play properly.

In other words “I couldn’t win, because they didn’t play the way I wanted them to”.

One of the greatest players in the world, and he says, like a victim, I couldn’t win because of what they did.

Passing the buck.

The biggest lesson the Ishayas’ Ascension meditation has given me is to know when I’m passing the buck, and blaming other people or my life situation or my head or my mood or whatever for why something didn’t happen.

To be clearer on this point: it’s given me the experience that life works better when I take full responsibility for every single thing that happens.

Try it.

When you assume responsibility for everything that happens, you’re in control. Destiny isn’t forced upon you, it becomes about you making the most of what you’ve got.

You live life, rather than life lives you.

It cuts the whining, it cuts the inaction, it cuts through so much rubbish so many people have going around in their heads.

If you want to have a better life the fastest way is to take responsibility for your results.

Then you can’t point the finger and blame and whine.

It’s a big choice, but huge in that it sets you free. And whining is so comfortable sometimes…

Perhaps Ronaldo didn’t mean it the way he said it, perhaps he was just grumpy in that moment, but it certainly was a nice reminder for me this morning.

And for you?

The next Ishayas’ Ascension course begins in just over a week. Don’t delay: Get in before you put it off for the next next time.

Have a great day now

- Arjuna “I don’t want problems, Ronaldo, I want solutions” Ishaya