It's not true when you believe you can't do anything

It’s easy to think that you can do nothing. Or that the things you do don’t make a difference.

But your being and presence speaks louder than any noble words or great deeds coming from someone who, say, is distracted.

In this way the small things that you do count for so much.

When you have your heart in what you do, that is, when you are completely present and alive, everything has a depth to it, it has real substance.

Just a simple “thank you” and a smile to the shop keeper carries so much when you are fully behind it.

Every small action becomes alive, it touches and changes others in ways that you will never know.

In a world where so many are not present to their words and actions, being fully and completely with someone can be a little bit of a shock to them.

But it shows you want to relate to them on a different level, they’re not just another person, that they too make a difference to you.

Fully show up for life - be fully behind each and everything you do and say.

There was a great German monk called Meister Eckhart back in the day, who once said,

“If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough.”

Just that alone makes a difference.

Change your heart, change your being, it changes more than you could ever know.

- Arjuna

ps. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for all the small things, all the small endeavours, the kindnesses, the smiles, the jokes that you bring. Thank you for the calm, the space to be accepted, for the love that you are.