In hearing the news of the Paris killings there can be such a feeling of powerlessness and of fear. I know that was my first reaction.
My fiance's brother and his fiance live in Paris. Brings everything a little closer to home when you know someone on the scene.
Don’t be filled with fear. It’s a deep dark hole that one - stay out of it. Fear doesn’t help any one, least of all yourself.
That powerlessness - that’s what any kind of violence or oppression is all about: Just roll over. Give in. Be fearful. You can't do anything. Do what we say.
But what can you do?
The only answer I have is to point the finger at your own heart. Ask yourself:
What can I do to make the world a better place?
Can you help increase the amount of kindness, calmness, compassion, connection and understanding in yourself and in the world?
Can you make another choice to move beyond hate and fear, prejudice and confusion?
Can you help prioritise peace, harmony and love over anything else?
Yes, yes you can.
I think in times like these our internal and external choices become even more critical.
Ask yourself not only what can you do, but what will you do?
Take care, with love and respect for everything that you do.