Man flu strikes

I think my trip to Ikea I told you all about yesterday must have taxed me to the limit of my endurance. I woke this morning with a sore throat. Now I don’t like being sick, but what can you do?

Moan and whine a bit? Man flu can do that to a man.

But looks like I might just have to go for the plain old acceptance route, let go, park the “to do list”, and put my feet up.

Be nice to get some more time in with the Ascension meditation techniques. I saw a study once that said that meditation during a flu or cold meant whatever was ailing you healed quicker and more completely than your average non-meditating person.

Of course I didn’t keep the reference because I’m dozy like that, but closing my eyes is worth a shot anyway.

It might be something you could remember next time you are coming down with something.

Instead of pushing through, take a little more time to rest - if at all possible - and let the body heal up.

I’ve learnt the hard way that unless I listen to my body and give it what it requires, it just whacks me later, stronger and for longer. I’d rather have a quick cold than a lingering monster of one.

So to lemon and honey all round!

If you’d like to join me on the coolest meditation course since meditation was invented, one that may possibly help accelerate the healing process (scientific references depending), one that is enjoyable and so straightforward even a baboon could (possibly) learn it and practice in ease, then I have the thing for you:

Ascension meditation weekend course, 15-17 April (we begin 7pm on the Friday)

Any questions? Fire away. I’ll get to you as soon as, but you can understand if it’s not as speedily as usual.

Take it easy Arjuna