Sometime ago I was telling you about how I was devising a "mental fitness" plan for outdoor athletes because more and more outdoor people - actually men in particular for some reason - are coming to me and saying, "well, what have you got for me?"
The mind is central to enjoyment and performance in the outdoors. In fact that’s the whole reason for outdoor education - the idea that being in the outdoors “educates” you - perhaps along the same lines that cold showers build character?
And I can assure you that cold showers do indeed build character. How much character do you need? I say as much as you can handle. (But you can don’t have to sit in freezing cold water to get it, if you don’t want to.)
But the very reason I learnt The Ishayas’ Ascension was because I used to spend a lot of time in the outdoors. And I realised my head was the difference between meeting my goals and not, between having an amazing time and being miserable, between being bold and terrified.
A little bit of character, of mental fortitude, the ability to point the mind in one direction and ignore everything else, makes a huge difference.
And you know this already. This is nothing you don’t know.
You know when you’re full of self doubt and fear and worry and what that feels like and what that means you do and don’t do.
Equally, you know when you are clear and present and able to weigh up doubts with great equanimity (good word that one) and what that leads to.
The outdoors reflects this very well. It is a great arena to get to know yourself better, for setting yourself a challenge and going after it. A little mental fitness goes a very long way.
But that fact is that character and mental fortitude and equanimity is rarely taught in a structured way.
Hence I wrote this “mental fitness” programme for outdoor athletes.
I've been working very hard at my coffee table office, and the time has almost come when I can declare it ready to launch.
I’m proud of it - the plan is a good one, and I'm super interested to see how it goes before I set it loose on the unsuspecting outdoor public.
I wanted to tell you first before I release it later this week because we've been through a few things you and I, and you may well be an outdoor aficionado yourself, or perhaps know one.
I need experimental lab rats! But in order to test it, I need a handful of Guinea pigs, lab rats who I can run through a maze or two.
These Guinea pigs need to be able to follow instructions precisely. I need to be somewhat scientific about this, so as you will understand, compliance and the ability to follow a plan is high on the list of attributes necessary.
I'm looking at men specifically for this trial, just because, well, they’re knocking on the door at the moment. It’s based in Darlington, and it covers 5 weeks.
It will be free for these volunteers - but it won’t come cheaply. I’ve got them doing a host of things in exchange for what I believe will be a life changing event.
The programme itself promises to give anyone the ability to:
- seriously up ones mental game a considerable notch or two - rest deeper, recover faster so you can have bigger and better adventures
- have a mental “reset button” so that you can stop looking back, start fresh and go with confidence of a new moment - be in that sweet “Zone” of heightened skills, sense, and serious “I’m alive” wow factor
- ignore fear and self-doubt and be full of clarity and confidence to do what you want to do, go home satisfied and tell great stories
-- If you’re interested in more information, or you know someone in the North East who might be, then here is the link to sign up:
You’ll get a little advance preview before it goes live on Thursday. So excuse any mistakes while I do the ironing and get rid of any wrinkles.
If you’ve already learnt the Ishayas’ Ascension - don’t worry - you don’t need this.
You already have the very best tools in the world. You just have to use them, innocently. If you ever need any help with that, just hit reply. I want to help so you just have to ask. In fact I can’t help if you don’t ask. OK?
Take it easy and talk more soon, Arjuna
PS. feel free to share this trial with anyone you think might be interested. I’m very excited about seeing what results will come from it.
It’s located in the North East, and the trial is specifically designed for outdoor men (at the moment) It goes live Thursday and the deadline is the end of July, though I may well find the fellows I need sooner than that. So if you’re interested in more info, don’t delay!