Stay right where you are!

With the nieces and nephews about the house over the weekend there was much talk of super heroes. And then there’s the new Batman versus Superman film.

We love super powers. If you had a super power, what would it be?

In my study of humanity, the super power that just about everyone ALREADY possesses is time travel.

We are addicted to it, actually.

Backwards and forwards, so much so the average person hardly spends any time actually in the same place as their body.

Now every time I talk about this someone always says, “but you have to look back to learn from your mistakes and look forward because planning is so important”.

And they would be right, except that is ALL humanity does.

Learning from the past is simple. If it didn’t work, do it differently. If it did work, do it again.

Planning for the future is also. What do you want? How are you going to get there?

But we don’t keep it simple. The amount of time spent trying to learn and plan is awesome.

And it’s reflected in the amount of regret and worry and trying to predict and control that is done. Over the top reminiscing, constant hoping.

Not a great way to live, simply because you miss out on the beauty of this moment.

All of your greatest moments have been cos you were right here, totally immersed in them.

It may have been doing the dishes, it may have been your wedding, it may have been the birth of your kids - the event didn’t matter, your attention to it mattered.

Want a better life?

Be more present. Get out of your head, use your senses more. Be alive to what is happening in your body. Breathe - deep.

Then you’ll really be a super hero.

A super hero’s secret weapon?

Has to be Ascension meditation. The best way to bring you out of your head into a state of presence. Easy and fun to practice, means you want to practice more.

The more you practice, the more you come alive, the more present you are to your life as it happens in front of you.

Not how you wish it did happen.

Not how you think it should happen.

But how it is actually happening.

So if you want to learn to show up for your own life, to not miss another moment, this weekend course is just for you:

I give you everything you need, you go away and you practice. If at any stage you have a question, I’m here to help.

Want to come back and resit? Absolutely for free, for the rest of your life, anywhere you find a course in the world.

Awesome I say.

Sign up here:

Stay right where you are! - Arjuna