You ever wonder if there is more? And how you get it?

You ever wonder if there is more to life than what you are living? Do you ever think, “you know, my life is great, I have so much and I enjoy a big chunk of what I do, but there feels like there is just something missing?”

I did, constantly.

I pushed my way past this feeling that something wasn’t quite right by filling up with working harder: 

I took over my flatmate's garage based business resoling rubber rock climbing shoes for a spell, I would throw myself into adventures in the outdoors, I would travel, read and learn and explore, I would do as much as I could.

Life was really full up - and I found that I could cover up this hollow feeling inside pretty successfully, but unfortunately only temporarily, only short term.

It would spring back with a vengeance, the feeling being right in my face. “Something is lacking.” “There’s more to life that you’re not living.”

Tough times indeed, because I looked around at everything I had and I did, the people around me, and I knew I had a wonderful life, truly wonderful.

But why didn’t a wonderful life match internal satisfaction?

Why was I always hunting for more?

Why did it feel like I could never rest, content and enjoy what I had?

Why was I never happy?

It’s tricky when an external world doesn’t equal internal fulfilment.

Nothing in the world can fill that hole, nothing. No amount of achievement, or boldness, or distraction or sedation.

I read an interview with Sylvester Stallone and he said exactly the same thing happened for him.

He thought fame and fortune would give him what he wanted. When he got fame and fortune, and found that it didn’t fill the need in his heart, he said it was one of the worst times in his life.

The only thing that gave me internal satisfaction was learning Ascension meditation.

Somehow these simple little techniques that I was given meant I found peace.

A peace that meant I could finally enjoy each and every moment - no longer looking for the next thing.

A practical peace too - although I stopped trying to tear the world apart looking for satisfaction, the fullness and perfection of this moment meant everything I did became more effective, and more enjoyable.

It was truly a life saver.

The funny thing was I thought I was the only one to have this feeling. After becoming an Ishaya and starting to teach, I met many many more people just like me.

It was, and is, so wonderful to give them the keys to the other half of themselves.

Meditation really does add more to you, it really does "fill" you out.

Some friends from New Zealand have made a documentary all about the changes in people’s lives from learning Ascension meditation.

The trailer is beautiful, you can see it here:

Whatever the question, the answer is always within you. Learning to find that, to listen and get clear isn’t difficult, it just requires pointing in the right direction, and a little practice.

Enjoy the trailer:

Have a wonderful day, - Arjuna