Resurrection time

So Easter - almost done and dusted. I’m almost recovered from man flu. The nieces and nephews have almost finished eating all their chocolate and almost finished destroying the house. It’s all good, actually. I really like having them around. Perhaps it's time to get some? I know the fiancee is keen. How hard can it possibly be? (heh heh).


At the core of the old story is resurrection. Of coming alive again. A come back. I think sometimes we can get down, and just stop doing the things that take us where we want to go. We make one small mistake or have one set back and it causes us to stop doing anything.

You know that?

I know I've been feeling distinctly unmotivated the last few days. Flu and what not doesn't help either.

But being unmotivated is okay. I know from past experience that it won't last forever.

The thing that used to get me most is thinking in this path of becoming the best version of myself that there would be certain hurdles only in the beginning.

You know - resistances and complaints, inner sabotage of a type that unless you’re aware to it, it just comes and gets you, simply because you are unaware of that controlling voice, that controlling story that throws the brakes on whatever you want to do.

But these hurdles, these voices and resistances aren’t only there in the beginning. It appears that they will be there constantly.

So the trick to getting around them is expecting them.

Instead of barricading yourself in as they bang and push on your door, you simply swing the door wide open on them and watch them fall on their faces as you step over them to a brighter future.

A mistake or a set back isn’t proof that you can’t do the thing you set out to do or that you're "useless", it can be just something that happened.

If anything, getting too wrapped up in mistakes and setbacks are just proof that you are too hard on yourself.

Don't beat yourself up.

Let the ebbs and flows of life come and go.

If you're feeling great, well great, full steam ahead.

If you're not feeling so great, no worries my friend. Take a moment. Take two.

Take the time you need to regroup - and you will regroup - so you can then sally forth once again.

Resurrect and live again! Huzzah!

All it’ll take is a little awareness - so you can be sensitive to what this moment needs, to what you require now. And a little determination, so you don't just give up.

Want more of both?


And here’s how:

Have a great day, and keep on trucking - in all ways - Arjuna