Money and relationships are the two things that will cause most people the most grief. Worries and anxieties about money. Worries and anger and resentment at other people. Grrrr …
And this time of year they collide in spectacular ways - what with Christmas and various celebrations going on, don’t they?
I kind of understand why some spiritual traditions totally give up money and relationships - perhaps because they’re seen as too hard work.
But they are so valuable, extremely valuable, and not to be avoided at all. They will show you so much about yourself and as such can be an excellent source of evolution …
If you are willing - and that is the key part - if you are willing they will show you …
Your fears, your prejudices, your past experiences, when you hold tightly to something or someone, your jealousies and comparisons …
Where you’re not being present to this moment, where you’re blaming someone else for your reactions … and so much. Where you fly off the handle in outrageous ways …
Where you can claim back more choice for you - freedom of personal choice - and not let your mood be dictated by anyone or anything.
So look carefully at these things. What can you learn from them? Perhaps it’s simply to be more present, worry less about the things you have no control over? Perhaps it’s to ask for what you want from someone else, and not hold back so you get angry and resentful? Perhaps its to make sure you look after yourself, take even a few moments just for you, to regroup, to get present, to get calm?
Welcome these things, don’t hide from them. This is the university of life - it will help you master your mind so you can end all stress and suffering, and have the most amazing of lives.
Isn’t that wonderful? I think so. Questions? Lemme have them!
Go well, Arjuna
PS. If you want to make your next 7 days spectacular, amid the chaos and busy-ness of the season? Try this little mindfulness challenge: