The Daily Adventures of the Skeleton Foot


I love the weird news.

Makes me feel not so weird -

I can procrastinate for hours like this, you know …

Latest favourite weird thing?

A girl lost her lower leg to cancer.

She asked if she could keep her foot -

Had it cleaned, treated and wired together,

And now her foot skeleton has an instagram page detailing it’s daily adventures.

How awesome -

Having a sense of humour in the face of some awfulness.

What an excellent step forward huh?

“I decide whether I’m happy or not, NOT cancer”

Life can be a bit of a bugger sometimes,

Cancer, losing limbs - probably one of people’s biggest fears, right?

But not taking any of it seriously is a super leap forward in terms of dealing with it.

Also is an excellent early warning sign that you’re getting loaded down,

Stressed and struggling and need to do something different -

Losing that sense of humour is in some ways worse than losing a foot.

Hey - it’s never what happens to you that affects you,

But how you react.

How you deal with it.

That’s what you have control over.

Claim your own happiness, don’t wait to be given it.

Don’t let circumstances take it away from you.

Prioritise and protect it.

It is one of the greatest things you can possess.

Because when you work out how to choose for it,

To get it with it being caused by anything?

No one and no thing can take it away from you.

No one and no thing.

And perspective and clarity and anti-stress come thrown in for free too.

Truly the one of the best things you can have.



Right here is what you need, FREE stuff!

108 ways to lose stress and struggle and get calm and centred and more time in your busy day.

MORE time?

Keep the peace!
