The Tibetan word for meditation is spot on

I learnt the other day that the Tibetan word for meditation is “familiarisation”.

And I thought, “how perfect!”.

You see, when you meditate the overwhelming response is to be thinking you need to get rid of your thoughts.

The idea is that when the thoughts are gone, meditation begins.

This is not so. It is the source of so much straining and trying and subsequent giving up when people try to meditate.

Meditation is exactly what the Tibetans say it is. Becoming familiar with what is already there.

NOT getting rid of anything, but seeing clearly.

Seeing clearly, with awareness, means your perspective can widen. It means you can be at peace with what is. It means your body can rest at deeper and deeper levels.

In awareness there is also choice. You have a significantly different relationship with your mind, and with your life. Choice becomes more and more real, more alive: Choice in how you live, how you react, how and what you do.

So next time you close your eyes do it to see what is there, not to get rid of, not to achieve anything.

Just sit and watch. Familiarise yourself with what presents itself to you.

If you want to know all about being more familiar with your own mind through meditation and mindfulness...

I have just the thing, a webinar for you:

Sunday 10th April 8-9pm, for more information and to register, go here: It's going to be a doozy!

I'm going to outline a lot of necessary and yet uncommonly known information and practices that will make not only a practice of meditation simpler and easier, but your life simpler and easier.

Who doesn't want that?

Click on here for more info, and to register.

You know - I have to say it cos I'm really passionate about it:

The other option, if you're serious about your quality of mind and your quality of life, is just to jump in and learn Ascension meditation.

The reason I bang on so much about it is because the Ascension techniques bring you effortlessly to a state of familiarity and awareness.

They meditate for you. All you have to do is sit down and use them.

People say that they already meditate and so why should they learn Ascension? And so I get them to learn and then they see the difference. “Oh….!” The penny drops.

That’s why I’m confident enough to offer a money back guarantee. 30 days after learning if you think it hasn’t given you what I said it would give you, you get your dosh back.

I think that is supremely fair. It allows you to give Ascension meditation a decent shot, to see what happens for you. How else will you know?

So - if you’d like to come along and familiarise yourself with yourself, sign up here:

Time is getting closer - the course runs 15-17 April (begin 7pm Friday).

Any questions at all about all this stuff, hit reply!

Have a great day - Arjuna