I just finished a course I run with the Army bomb disposal.
It was fun - the guys were completely down to earth, told some very funny stories, and weren’t shy of letting me know if I was full of crap.
The great thing I love about these courses is that I know I have to “sell” it in order for them to practice it.
I know if they practice the simple techniques I teach - even if it’s only 15 minutes a day - they will get calmer, more focussed, more happier, more able to live their lives in the way they want to - but they don't know that. Yet.
So I have to convince them - which makes me get very clear on what the benefits are.
Increasingly word is getting around so it’s taking less convincing and selling, but I love getting clear on the “why?”
Why would you?
If you’re busy, you have a family, you have the hobbies and sports and everything you want to do …
Why would you want to sit still for 15 minutes with your eyes closed?
Since it’s fresh in my mind - let me tell you!
Meditation gives you the ability to not react. It gives you headspace so instead of snapping and saying or doing something you regret later on, you can CHOOSE to do something more “evolved”.
Meditation gives you the ability to deal with stress so you don’t lose it and flap around like a headless chicken.
I did that once on a caving trip and I regretted it straight away.
I looked foolish and immature, like I couldn’t handle myself.
I was a little ashamed.
Meditation gives you the ability to CHOOSE to stay calm and not lose it, to not let stress build to a point where you do something embarrassing.
Meditation gives you the ability to focus - to bring your attention to whatever you need to. Why? Because sometimes you need to ignore distraction, ignore the myriad fears and “What ifs?” and focus on the plan and carry it out.
Focus is effortless and brings great satisfaction, as well absorbing you to a degree where you enter the Zone simply.
Meditation gives you the ability to CHOOSE your focus and what you put your attention on.
And what you put your attention on, grows.
Meditation also gives you the ability to take things less seriously. Life is put in perspective.
You change the things you can and accept the things you can’t.
You are given the wisdom to know the difference.
You have the ability to CHOOSE to be wiser.
And who wouldn't want that?
If you want to know how what I have to teach affects your sporting / physical performance AND what to do - come to a talk I’m giving.
Wednesday 26 October 7.30-9pm, in Darlington
All details here:
Take care out there! Arjuna
Be the boss of your mind, rather than it controlling you:
Wednesday 26 October 7.30-9pm, in Darlington