What If You Didn’t Have Much Time Left?

I really don’t want to be too serious with this one,

But there’s a chance you might read it that way.

I want this to be an invitation to get more from life, not to be fearful in anyway.

With that proviso, let’s jump in shall we?

It came from a recent conversation with Jo about death and dying and how when she thought about her problems in relation to it ...

She got more free.

And she is bang on.

Carking it, checking out, knocking on heaven’s door, death and dying:

It can be a great giver of perspective of what’s truly important.

You see - when you get stressed what happens?

You lose perspective.

You lose life itself because you’re so busy thinking in small little loops, usually about small little things.

Around and around you think and life passes you by.

Strangely enough an awareness of death can be a giver of life.

It gives you clarity.

It makes you realise that you don’t have the luxury of messing around and entertaining stuff that isn’t helpful to you.

It makes you realise that you have to squeeze everything you want from life -

And not wait for conditions to be perfect.

And not wait for your happiness to be given to you.

That in the face of death, the simple things of life are so fulfilling.

That you can’t make your plans for the future or regret for the past more important than this moment,

Simply because your moments aren’t going to go on forever.

That fighting and struggling is one way of getting through life,

But getting present means you can flow and weave and dance even past the barriers and the sharp spiky bits.

It means your mind loses it's veritable death grip on you.

And why not?

It is Easter - rebirth, living again.

Giving yourself a chance to go once again, no matter what just happened.

The secret to mastery of life and death, over the negativity of your mind, lies in being present.

In this presence and awareness you can go for more, and not entertain a fear of less.


Become truly Sane.

Seize the day and all that, have a wonderful weekend with all the adventures you may have planned.

Keep the peace! Arjuna

PS. This might just be one of the best paths I have ever embarked upon:

https://arjunaishaya.leadpages.co/sane-fb/ I'm not just saying that, it's given me way more freedom in life than I ever thought possible.