What IS real, Neo?

Just come from the gym where, I must admit, I was a bit of a wuss.

I gave it my best shot, but it wasn’t my best. But at least I turned up and did what I could.

Ever have those days where 20kg just isn’t that any more? Or 10km seems like 15? Or indeed an 8 hour working day seems like 12?

What happens here?

Does reality change? Does that kettle bell eat a few pies at night and gain a coupla pounds?

Does the clock just decide to slow down to a crawl?

Nope - it’s all because of your mind.

Sure, physically my body wasn’t firing on all cylinders.

But your mind has a huge part to play. It has the ability to change reality.

If this is the case (and it is cos I’ve been studying this for many years now) if you change your mind, you will change reality.


One obvious place this happens is in your body. Neuro-physiologically speaking, your cells are affected by your thoughts.

Happy grateful thoughts: happy, efficient, energised body. Negative thoughts: not so super body.

Ever fallen in love? Of course you have. How’d that feel? How was the world? A shiny, pretty, happy place, no doubt.

Fallen out of love? Aye. Same conditions, but a crappy, grey, miserable place indeed.

You get the idea?

In other words, your mind filters reality so much you can’t tell what is real and what is your mind’s idea of what is real.

We’re getting into “The Matrix” territory here. You’ve seen that film, right?

But what limits to this do you suppose there are?

I don’t know, but I’d give my last penny to find out. Wouldn’t you?

How you going to do that?

I would become a student of your own mind.

Study it closely, become aware of how it may be shaping what you believe is true, and in that find a way to choose what you want to pay attention to.

Set yourself free from your own mind.

Find a way to experience reality clearly, without any filters.

Me? Ascension meditation does it.

A course where you can learn? Glad you asked. 15-17 April, begin 7pm on the Friday. £200. Awesome, or your money back (true - if you complete the course, practice and don’t like it, I’ll refund you. Nice huh?)

Send me an email if you want in.

Have a great day, let me know if I can help with anything.

- Arjuna

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