What to do when your past keeps coming back

When I started meditation I wanted my past to go away. I haven’t had a bad life in comparison to many, but that doesn’t matter.

When it’s you and your mind, comparison to others is useless.

When the mind bites, it bites. When the head starts to fear or get anxious about something, it can be torture.

What I found through Ascension meditation was not the ability to make my past go away.

Instead of forgetting about it, it gave me the means to come to terms with it, as it was.

If you’re willing to accept and allow and learn and use the past as a springboard for the future then you are golden, and unbeatable, no matter what life throws at you.

And you can help others directly through your own experience.

If you aren’t willing to accept and allow and learn, if you see yourself as a victim to the circumstances and situations, if you think you have no choice because of your past, if you hide and sedate in an attempt to ignore, then everything is going to hit you hard.

In coming to terms with it, it means any past becomes like an intense movie you just saw.

You remember it, you may shudder even, but it’s somehow now separate from you. It doesn’t affect your being, now.

The fact is no past need define your present.

You get to decide who you are and what you do next. No one can take away your hopes and dreams for life.

It’s never the cards you are dealt, it is always how you play them.

And all of that simply takes the right tools and the right understanding, and the right practice.

All of the above is what I wanted when I started meditation, and that’s what I got through Ascension meditation.

I don’t really care what you do, as long as you have something to help you through.

A vehicle to rely on when the mind gets intense makes all of this so much easier, so much simpler.

And having a community and guidance where you know they know what you’re talking about so you can get help.

I wouldn’t be here today doing this if it wasn’t for other people I could rely on for help.

Life is short, it really is. Make the most of each and every moment. Squeeze it dry.

That all comes from within. It all starts with your attitude and mindset.

If you want to learn Ascension meditation with me, I would be honoured to have you along. It’s happening 15-17 April.

Click here for details, or email me:


Need anything? Just email moi.

Take care - Arjuna