Here I am, sitting at my kitchen table on a surprisingly sunny morning.
Cup of coffee by my side, everyone is eating eggs.
I’m writing first, eating later. Mornings like this are grand.
What I love about my job is meeting people who want to live life a little bit differently.
You see, even though one or two come to me a little confused,
They're in a great space.
Because they realise they want to live better - and realising things aren't as you want them is the first step to doing something about it.
You see -
We’ve been sold the idea from a young age that you get all the things on your tick list -
Marriage, house, children, savings, holidays etc -
Those things will make you happy, satisfied, fulfilled.
I had the very same idea -
But I was in the fortunate place of achieving everything on my list.
And yet at that time I have never been so confused or frustrated.
The cause of this despair was that I realised that even in the achievement of my "perfect life" I wasn’t satisfied.
I was still on a rollercoaster of highs and lows, I still felt like there was something missing, I felt confused and lost.
And so I had to take a look at this belief that I had:
That “things” would make me happy.
Now, your wish list, your tick list of things to get and achieve -
It’s a wonderful document, a wonderful thing.
Don’t give it up if you don't want to.
But don’t lose yourself in the achieving of those things.
Don’t get so busy you forget why you’re doing all these things.
Which is?
To enjoy, to be happy, to be satisfied.
To live a life that you want to live.
It IS possible to choose to enjoy each and every moment despite the situations and circumstances you find yourself in.
It does take you prioritising that choice over everything else.
But you can do that - moment by moment.
Again - It doesn’t mean you stop and give up your dreams and goals!
Oh no, no, no!
If you prioritise your inner choice it means you have the clarity and focus and perspective and calm to go get them, quicker, simpler.
So claim your choice.
Make sure you find that sense of peace and fulfilment first. That you're happy, no matter what.
This super inspiring documentary on this very same subject of choice is coming soon.
Funnily enough it's called "CHOICE".
It shows how peace is possible no matter your lifestyle, your situation.
You may be in prison, you may be walking free. You may have a relationship, you may be a single parent. You may be a big wig in the corporate world, you may own your own business, you may be a small cog in a big machine, you may be an outdoor bum. You may be sick, you may be healthy.
No matter what, every single human has a choice in how they live - and that choice changes the world around them.
It's an incredible film -
To get the film shown on the big screen - it's beautifully shot - it's screening on a "on demand" basis.
Meaning if we get enough sales it'll go ahead.
I have no doubt it will screen, but help me out by buying a ticket and telling your family and friends about it.
The deadline for sales is this Sunday - so grab one for you and a friend today:
To see a trailer, click on the link and scroll down.
See you there!
PS. - This weekend is also the Ishayas’ Ascension meditation course.
It’s the quickest, simplest way to get present, to gain a positive mental attitude, and be free to choose how you experience your life.
Restorative on all levels, it’ll give you headspace and a fresh perspective on your same life.
Past people on the course have told me how it gives them the ability to make some changes in their lives - changes that have long been overdue.
Some small, some large - but always they have the clarity to really see what they can do to make their own lives better.
Be great to have you along:
Or email if you want to talk more about it. -