My friend Dave wrote and asked me if meditation would help him at the moment. He’s been down a bit lately, his business is going slowly, and his head is full of anxiety and worries. He’s just not generally in a good space.
I said something to the effect of “heavens to murgatroid, yes!”.
Meditation helps everyone, no matter who they are and where they’re at.
But often it takes an event, or a pit, perhaps a chasm, to open beneath someone before they do anything about it.
First thing I want to say, and most of you will probably ignore this, don’t wait to get down and into a hell puddle before you do something about the renegade nature of your own mind.
Don’t wait for things to turn sticky and painful before you get mentally in shape.
It’s so much easier to turn around than when you’re suffering.
You know the other day I was talking about my moths eating my underwears?
How the need to overcome the inconvenience of doing something about it wasn’t that great, yet, but how stupid it was of me to wait until my beautiful bespoke suit got holes?
Don’t wait till the pain of doing something (meditating) is greater than the pain of not doing something (the ticking time bomb that is your head creating havoc).
I don’t care who you think you are - your head has a trojan, a worm, a nasty little queen moth that will pop out when you least expect it and bite holes in your happiness and your goals.
No matter who you are, no matter if you are the happiest person in the world right now, you can be even greater with a solid mental foundation.
I promise you that.
Meditation is like flossing.
Not everyone does it, but they should. Ha!
Make a plan to do it, everyday.
How? Just sit down, and close your eyes. If you know Ascension meditation, do that (obviously!).
If you don’t, just close your eyes and notice your breath coming in and out. Don’t look for anything to do, or to get, just sit.
Doing nothing is a wonderful cure all for doing everything.
But say you are in a little sticky puddle at the moment?
It’s super important you notice how you are talking to yourself in each and every moment.
Be vigilant.
Notice what you are mentally dwelling on. Don't go there.
Be as present as you can, in this moment.
Don’t worry a jot for what just happened or what you were just thinking about, become super alive here and now.
Everything will get better, simpler, more fun.
If you want help with this, if you want a fool proof plan to follow, tools that meditate for you (you just have to use them), if you want all the support you want and need for the rest of your life, then Ascension meditation might be for you:
It's a beautiful course but it's not for everyone.
It's not a magic pill - you have to do the work.
Though if you're committed to being mentally "fit" ...
AND you will do the small amount of enjoyable practice after the course,
AND you're happy to ask for help when you need it,
then you are welcome.
Here's the link:
Have a great day. If you need anything just email, ok?
- Arjuna