200% of life

Not what you’ve been sold, is it?

In this day and age where being super busy is a twisted sign of honour and social standing … “I am SO busy, therefore I am important and involved in great works”.

Meditation is sold as a means to be more productive, to focus harder, get clearer and more energetic. To achieve, because if you’re not achieving you’re taking up space, and wasting your life …

And meditation certainly does help with focus and clarity; however ...

This "achieve" way of living can also mean you feel guilty for taking a break, for taking some air, for slowing down and smelling the roses. In other words, truly appreciating your life.

Truly tasting your coffee, playing with your kids, connecting with your partner, recharging your batteries, looking after your health, your mental wellbeing …

“I’ve got no time for that” says that mad man/woman in your head.


The fact is meditation gives you what you NEED, not necessarily what you WANT, and most definitely not what you EXPECT.

Sometimes you embark on a regular practice of meditation and instead of entering this hyper achieve, hyper productive mode like you think you SHOULD, all you want to do is do nothing - indeed, all you CAN do is relax and rest, because it would seem you’re more tired than usual.

It’s a good sign you’ve been burning the candle at both ends for a while now. You’ve been exhausting yourself and you didn’t even know it.

Your body is taking the chance to catch up, to really re-energize. Not a short term fix, not a cup of coffee and keep going, but a real chance to heal and recharge on a much deeper level than you’ve allowed yourself for a long time.

It doesn’t meet your plan, I know. But if you’re open and go with it you’ll be given a way of living that is full and rich - not just sustainable but nurturing, truly Alive.

Something like the Bright Path Ishayas' Ascension meditation tunes you into a way of living that is fluid, non-demanding and non-insisting. And what a way to live that is. When you’re ready to go, you go; when you need to rest, you rest.

Tune in. Stop insisting and demanding. Get real balance. You’ll be so much happier and ironically, way more productive.


Let me know how you’re going with all this.

Go well!



Want some beautifully simple tips on living this truly balanced fluid way?

Here you go - FREE to you:


When you're too busy surviving you forget the point

Being a work from home dad I get to spend a lot of time with my daughter. I’m incredibly grateful for that as she is awesome -

And she is the perfect reminder of how I want to live my life.

No Robbie, not filling my nappy, dribbling and chewing on everything, but simply being just darn happy - for no reason at all, just because she's alive.

I gave her a strawberry to chew on this morning and you should have seen her eyes. It was like it was the greatest thing she’d ever seen … A total OMG! moment (if you OMG things, that is).

So many people grow up to be adults and get so wrapped up in life likes its this battle for survival, they forget the very point of it all - which is to fully enjoy it. Well - that's my point. What's yours?

Now you’re aware of it, it all depends on you.

You can have a happiness that only comes when you get something you want, or you can have a happiness, a contentment, an aliveness that is found from each and every moment. That is possible, FOR YOU.

You can base your life on the focus on the goodness around you, or you can focus on what you don’t have, what you think you should have. You can move through life as if you’ve seen it all before, or you can really tune in and have a fresh attitude, a fresh perspective.

Sometimes life comes alive when you try different things, often life comes alive when you do the same things differently.

See the difference?

You were born excited and fascinated about and alive to each and every moment. You have the innate ability to enjoy every single part of your life. You’ve just learnt not to.

You can learn to again - for sure.

Just a little reminder this fine day that in terms of your levels of calm, contentment, and life satisfaction - you are in the driving seat.

Stay awesome,



If you need help with choosing for gratitude and freshness and aliveness?

Here are 108 ways, ideas, means to you doing just that. And they're FREE:


PPS. Let me know how I can help. Just send me a msg

I was horrified at myself

The perfect journey …

At the time when you do something silly - something that even horrifies you, Perfection is that last thing on your mind.

I know all about being disappointed, dispirited, discouraged, and otherwise disappointed in words or actions of my own (Like my thesaurus work?).

Those moments come back to haunt you, don’t they?

A flashing through of memory, and before you know it, you’re slapping yourself on the forehead and going “you idiot!” - for something that has long gone.

One of the reasons I got into meditation was to find a balance …

That balance between acknowledging I’d done something stupid (learning), and forgiving myself for the fact.

Forgiveness was the main theme, as I was extremely good at the learning part, evidenced by the telling myself off for things said and unsaid (the old “you should have said this and that …”)

What Ascension meditation in particular has done for me, is the ability to forgive myself.

To realise that life isn’t so much poles of right and wrong, but being on a journey.

Of simply having a reset button and going again, attempting to live a little bit better than yesterday.

When that habit of self-violence goes away - and it most certainly does when you learn not to unconsciously feed it -

What is left is a feeling of perfection.

That you are in the perfect place in the perfect time.

That you live through something so you can truly move forward on it, and become a better version of you.

The greatest thing my Ascension teacher said to me was this:

The only reason I go through anything?

Was so I could help others through experience.

Without making “mistakes” - how could I ever help anyone else?

So in that, are there ever really any mistakes? Or just springboards and invitations for a higher, more real, more profound, more compassionate life?

Take it easy out there,

Go well



You know I teach and practice the Bright Path Ishayas’ Ascension, a wonderfully simple set of meditation tools for living the above.

If you're interested in knowing more about meditation and mindfulness, I wrote a free guide for you.

I like it a lot, here's where to get a copy:


But - I want these blogs to stand alone.

I want you to be inspired to make today more profound, more present, more fun than yesterday.

To not settle for less, to not just get by, but live 200% - a truly Alive life.

And sometimes all that takes is a reminder.

Let me know how I can help with that, I’d love to chat.

The joy of expert beginnerism

Everyone wants to be an expert,

No one wants to be a beginner.

That’s the trouble with people these days.

Combined with a good bit of procrastination,

The yes - no - yes - no - yes - no approach most have,

It’s a wonder anyone learns or gets better at anything, ya know?

There’s comes a point where you have to stop thinking about something and just do it.

Becoming or learning anything always takes doing something different.

If you don’t do anything different, nothing happens.

But if you can just have some gumption and just get going,

Just start,

Just do some simple things on a regular basis …

You can better at ANYTHING very quickly.

If you’re anxious for example,

Ignoring that anxiety and being calmer is a skill you can practice.

It takes time though <—- that’s important to realise.

It takes you starting,

It takes you ignoring those anxious thoughts, not adding to them with more anxiety.

It takes a mindful, aware approach.

And it takes you continuing.

Then you start to build some momentum in the direction of your choice.

I have a few people come and learn the Bright Path Ishayas' Ascension meditation,

And they want to be experts, like, last week.

“Why do I still have these thoughts and these habits?” - they cry.

“Well”, I cry back -

“You practice rarely - and if you do practice, you don’t keep it simple or do what I say”.

“And you’re looking to be an expert in less time that it takes me to change my underwear …?”

They always look confused at that one.

So, rules of overcoming or learning anything:

Just do it. Jump in. You can spend your life thinking about it. Just start.

Do it every day,

Get comfortable not being an expert, get comfy being a beginner and asking questions,

Do it over a long period of time. You won’t master it in your first week, or even year. Just show up anyway.

Then something magic happens:

You’ll get to a point where you have what you wanted when you started, and more -

Say freedom from anxiety,

And yet you will know the game so well, you will know your head so well, you know there is no finish line.

That whatever skill or knowledge or learning or ability just gets better and better.

That all experts are only experts because they love learning, they love becoming more.

It stops being about getting away from, again say, anxiety,

And becomes about running towards greater and greater peace of mind, joy and freedom.

That is infinite.

As in greater and greater.

How wonderful is that?

In Ascension meditation we call the state of the expert beginner as being innocent.

You have innocence right when you begin (because you are a beginner)

You forget it when you think you know something,

Then - if you’re smart - you grab it back for yourself again, pronto

And you get well on the road to being a beginner with an expert's smile).

If you want to know more about innocence?

About ending anxiety?

Here's a free guide which also means I'll send you emails like this (though you can unsubscribe easily at any time):


Go well!



The two things Buddha said you can do wrong on this path of getting to know yourself completely through meditation/mindfulness?

Not starting.

And not finishing.

Wise man that B.

What do you LOVE?

I went kayaking yesterday.

It is my FAVOURITE thing to do,

Apart from eating.

And it’s been ages since I was in my boat, my lovely boat.

Interesting thing -

I almost didn’t go.

It’s the first time in months that the river has been up,

And I was making ALL these excuses why I shouldn’t and couldn’t.

How Sumati might feel about me going out to play.

So much talking myself out of it.

Absolutely - It meant I had to rearrange a few things,

I now owe Sumati one (more),

But how big was my smile when I came home?


A bit of hassle for some extra love in my heart.

You have to do the stuff that gives you a buzz, that you love,

No one’s going to do it for you,

Your own head will tell you all the reasons why you can’t,

You might even feel guilty for leaving your loved ones so you go have some fun.

But - if you're aware of that ^^^ and choose to do something different ...

It makes you shine.

It makes you a happier, more inspiring person to be around.

It makes life worth living.

So I know you have to compromise sometimes in life,

You may have to negotiate, as well -

Yet do make sure you do the stuff that makes you come alive.

Don’t just stuff it and think it’s unimportant. Because it’s not.

It’s not selfish - they win too, cos they get the great, very best version of you.

Getting that balance, making sure you do the things that mean you are Alive is something that can only come through greater awareness.

Awareness of what you are telling yourself -

Mindfulness and meditation really is such a simple way of making sure you have the best foundation for each and every day.

Here’s your free guide to being more mindful in each and every day:


Go well!



How you doing?

Let me know if you have any questions, ok?

The Renaissance, generalise, be more awesome at all of life

You might remember a film called “Revenge of the Nerds”,

If you are of a certain age -

I loved it when I was a young fella,

Simply because it was crass and funny and had boobs in it.

Young boys are young boys, unless they’re young boys.

Now! Let’s not get distracted here.

And OK, buckle in, this is a longer one,

But hopefully a rewarding one …

All the films in the 80s were about being a certain way.

You were a nerd - a geek, or you were a jock.

You did this OR you were into that.

That never sat well with me, even at 13.

I loved swimming and competition and the challenge of physical mastery.

But I also loved learning cool stuff -

My favourite thing when I had time to waste - remember this is before the internet -

Was to sit in the library with the encyclopaedia or dictionary and randomly learn interesting things.

I loved exercise, but I loved books and music, and theatre and weird films too.

I loved having adventures, but I also loved cooking and staying at home.

I still do, all of the above.

The fact is the world has so much to offer, why limit yourself?

I really appreciate the path of what I call being a Renaissance man or woman -

In that you develop a wide range of skills and interests,

Whatever it is the floats your boat that means you live a very rich and satisfying life.

This Renaissance ideal is what Pat Flynn calls being a generalist,

(I got so much from a recent podcast of his on this:)


Because when I witness a specialist?

They’re either pretty darn narrow and/or so focussed on themselves they don’t have room for anything else.

I read Lance Armstrong’s books before he got caught,

His dedication and focus was staggering, and yet it was obvious he would be a nightmare to live with.


“You don’t want to become a person who’s achieved everything but has nothing. Don’t be a successful loser.

Know what compromises to make, and what “successes” to leave on the table.”

- Dan John

If you haven’t seen this yet? Check it out:



The risk of being a one-dimensional "loser" is real.

To have a truly great life you need balance in all the corners of your life.

In order to work hard, you’ll want to rest hard.

You’ll want to look after your family and friends, spend time and nurture and enjoy them.

You’ll want to look after your health and fitness too - if you’d like at least a degree of physical freedom.

You’ll want to have fun too, whatever that looks like to you …

Because what’s the point, otherwise?

Sometimes that’s learning and improving something,

Sometimes that’s kicking back with a cold one.

Or a hot one, whatever the case maybe.

And all Renaissance men and women I have ever met … ?

Have all been interested in helping others.

Because they know when they do that they help themselves.

If you want to truly understand something,

Teach it to someone else.

Giving and helping of others opens doors you never knew were shut until you do.

Underlying this whole scheme of work, rest, play, plus plus plus?

Is pray.

I would say that wouldn’t I?

But do indulge in a little internal self-discovery, a little NOW time each and every day.

Meditate, mindfulness, prayer …

It is the practice of playing the inner game.

Mastery of the inner game, even just a little, makes the outer game so much better.

Sweeter. Easier.

Whatever you do becomes more efficient,

And way more enjoyable.

You smooth down those rough edges of reaction and grumpiness,

Stress and self-doubt and overwhelm.

You get creative and inspired and energised, and you find the meaning of life actually lies within you, all this time.

How wonderful.


Find joy everywhere, explore all the boundaries this fine world has to offer.

Live the most amazing, noble and honourable, inspired and inspiring of lives.

If you practice meditation and/or mindfulness you shall free yourself of any limitation, any “should”, any internal handbrake on your dreams very quickly.

If you'd like an awesome free guide to getting going on meditation and mindfulness, here's where you can get one:


Go well!!!



I think that’s enough for one day, don’t you?

Let me know if you have any questions, I love to help.

I’m a Renaissance man - or at least attempting to be one.

That ^^^ will only make sense if you’ve read the above.

Go on - it’s worth it.

Doing too much?

I witnessed someone multitasking recently,

It wasn’t pretty.

It was just like watching a car crash unfold in front of you.

It also reminded me of young bubba trying to feed herself.

She tries to get two fists of food into her mouth at the same time.

Doesn’t happen - there’s always a bottle neck -

The only thing that DOES happen is a mess.

It’s the same when you try and do too many things at once.

("Too many things" = more than one)

This multi-tasker is an actor.

He was also attempting to shove a sandwich in his mouth,

Being fitted for his costume,

And trying to learn his lines all at the same time.


Stop, slow down.

You only get one chance at this particular sandwich.

You might only get one chance at connecting with this particular person.

You can't learn anything whilst doing two other things.

You ever raced down a meal, but never actually tasted it?

Ever driven down a road but never travelled it?

Ever had a conversation but never heard it?

Ever read a book but never taken it in?

Life is here and now.

You can only do one thing at once.

You can be lost in thought,

Or you can attend to this moment in time.

And your attention transforms it into something worthwhile.

You can get stressed and race through life,

To what you think will be a better future moment.

Or you can appreciate and be aware of what now holds for you.


“Is there life before death? That is the question!”

Anthony de Mello


Your awareness brings life to life.

Focus, presence, awareness.

It is the antidote to a life of stress and overwhelm and negativity.

The elixir of squeezing everything from life that it has to offer.

And what a joy life is, no matter what -

When you actually show up for it.

That is the key.

Showing up fully for your life.

How to show up?

Try this free 7 day challenge on for size:


I’ll give you the sweet tools that mean you can stay clear of stress and reacting blindly,

To live the life you want to live,

To make sure you don’t miss a moment,

And keep a big fat smile on your face, all the time.

Because life is too short for anything else.

Go well!!!



You can do this.

I know you can.

Because if I of all people can, you can.


The not so well known secret to having a ton of fun in life

You know, the secret of life ...

One that few people actually put into action ...

Lies in realising what you are in control of, and what you’re not.

I used to live well in the thrall (good Game of Thrones type word that one) of life -

In other words, being controlled by life.

When life was good, I was happy.

When life got a bit stinky, so did I.

I didn’t like this one bit -

And so I set out on the path that brings me and you to this moment.

I wanted to be independent,

Free to choose how I felt, regardless of the circumstances.

To ignore my head if I so desired.

To create my own internal reality -

And therefore be able to do the things in the world that I wanted to without that internal handbrake,

And be the person I knew I could be - that best version of me.

I thought that was an excellent way to live.

I was right and it is true -

You can’t control the circumstances of life,

But you can come to control your reactions to these circumstances.

It is also true that -

Life does not so much bring you happiness,

As you bring happiness to life.

(See what I did there? You like?)

It’s a type of fitness, or a skill, this choosing of your attitude.

Choosing what you pay attention to, choosing what you focus on.

I think the biggest step is realising that this is important to you.

Then, indeed, if it is important to you,

Taking steps every day to make sure you are it and you become more of it.

It takes work. It’s not hard work at all, but it does take prioritising and attention. It does take time.

But what reward!?

You know how great life can be when you’re on top form.

What if it could be like that all the time?

And thus be that great version of you … all day long?

Yes indeed, yes indeed.

If you’d like to learn such a simple method for being like this?

Here's a free guide and challenge too, if you want to join:


Any questions, about any of this?

Let me know, I’m here to be of service.

Go well!



A life lived on a rollercoaster of ups and downs?

Or constant, unending satisfaction, contentment, excitement and growth?

Hmmmm … more bacon please!

Bet you didn’t know this about snails (careful!)

Bet you don’t know this:

The World Snail racing championships are held every year in Norfolk.

How exciting could that be?

Well - I just gave 3 minutes and 50 seconds of my life to find out.

The 13 inch course world record is 2 minutes by Archie the snail in 1995.

There's my boy!

Youslime Bolt didn’t live up to his potential though,

I think it was a snail called Trev that came through this year.

The world of the internet …

Sometimes you end up in the weirdest places when you just put your toe down the rabbit hole.

As exciting as world snail racing is -

I need to be so careful with all of this stuff.

“Just one video”… “ooh, who's that on Facebook who I haven’t seen since I was 12 …”

Means hours can be lost.

At the end of the day I want to get stuff done.

How about you?

Well - I’m writing a book  - which I’m aiming (and on track - yersss!) to have finished before 2018 starts.

And I’m raising funds for the Felix Fund - the bomb disposal charity,

(If you’re interested in donating? Or own a hotel that could help us run some courses? The link is: www.felixfund.org.uk/support-us/ or get in touch with me, you angel!)

I also want to stay fit and healthy,

I want to have the most amazing relationship with Sumati and Bubsy,

I want to educate myself in several spheres,

I want to get time to close my eyes so I prioritise peace and profundity in life too.

I guess that’s the point of World Snail champs …

I also want to have fun and slack off too.

But you know -

“I want”’s only happen when you actually prioritise and do them.

Balance and focus -

That’s one of the things practicing Ascension meditation gives you -

Is the ability to see your life choices super clear,

And the motivation and energy and half step back perspective to actually make the choices that really count in the long term.

So if you’re interested in “getting stuff done” in a balanced, calm and fun way,

Rather than in a stressed, chaotic, unbalanced, always exhausted and grumpy way … ?

It is exactly what I teach you here:


Go well!



I really wanted Youslime Bolt to win, but alas.

Next year buddy!

That “your delivery is coming today” feeling

Got myself a text this morning.

My online delivery is headed my way, today.

Isn’t that a glorious feeling?

Yah! My new stuff is coming -

A new pair of shorts since you asked.

To stride about in, lounge in, and just be calm and cool and content in.

All while being a style icon (or something like that).

Even better?

They said 3 days delivery, and it’s coming in 1.


I know I’m a simple man with simple pleasures -

But this is one of life’s better pleasures.

The world is full of good things, it really is.

What I’ve worked out is that I need to put myself in their way,

Otherwise I simply don’t get that “Yah!” feeling that we all know and love.

You can focus on what’s wrong, and that’s one way to live.

Or you can focus on what is good and right, and that is another.

Way back when I was getting into this meditation and mindfulness malarky,

I thought you had to give up the good things.

Not all of them, to be sure, to be sure,

But some.

Because somehow I thought enjoyment and peace and contentment weren’t on the same team.

It’s weird that isn’t it? Now that I’ve put the idea down in pixels.

Yet the things that make you Alive are great things.

They shouldn’t be cast aside as being somehow wrong …

You know?

Someone once said that what thy world needs more than anything is people who are fully Alive.

So you should go right ahead and do all those things, because then you’re Alive and joyful AND content,

And it helps everyone around you be the same.

Here’s to Aliveness!

One thing -

To be as Alive as possible, be as mindful and present as possibles.

Then you enjoy the good things even more.

And can endure the not so good even better.

I have a thing that will help you get into the mindfulness and presence habit -

A little free 7 day challenge no less.

I think you’ll like it.

Head this way to get going:


Go well!



In this challenge I’ll show you how to disconnect your reactions from events.

So you don’t react unconsciously, and then regret it.

You can see the reaction coming, take a big step back, and choose differently.

Useful skill that.


How many billions do you give away?

PS -

I know!

How ridiculous to start with a PS.

But that’s just how I roll.

Read this, then read the PS (the bottom PS),

Or skip this, and read the PS only - if that’s how YOU roll.

Whatever you want to do, do it.

Now, onto the main message:


I just found out that Bill Gates - the world’s richest man,

Has just given away US$4.6 billion to charity.

Since 1994, his wife and his good self have given a total of US$35 billion - all to charity.

Isn’t that awesome?

I think so.

No hanging on to billions of dollars,

No swimming in a pool of cash a la Scrooge McDuck,

But sending a huge chunk of it to those who don't have anything.


A question, if you don’t mind,

And I’ll explain why it’s so important in a minute:

How much do you give?


You may be thinking, “It’s alright for Bill, he can afford to …”

But the fact is, you can’t afford NOT to give.

Studies have shown time and time again that the happiest and most satisfied and fulfilled people are those who have found a way to regularly give.

It’s true.

Now - when I’m talking about giving, I’m not talking just about money.

It could be time, advice, some appreciation, or doing something for someone.

And as always, it’s not about what you give -

It’s not about billions of dollars …

It’s about the attitude behind it that counts.

Why? Why bother?

Ahhh, that eternal question.

Well - just to start with:

Having an attitude of service makes every single part of your life easier, more fulfilling, more joyful.

It’s the end of stress and resentment too.


Picture this:

You're doing something menial, cleaning for example, for someone - say your family.

You’re doing the thing, but in your head you’re thinking all too much about how you hate cleaning, and they should have done it last week, and why am I always doing it …

Whether you have a conversation about what they do and don’t do is definitely something you need to consider …

But right now:

You’re over thinking, you’re full of resentment,

There’s no joy, no presence to this moment.

You’re winding yourself up.

If you drop all that, and assume the attitude of service,

The whole situation changes.

It becomes an act of love - both for the people you’re doing it for,

And yourself.

You stop choosing to be miserable, and really embrace what you need to do.

You jump into complete immersion in the task in front of you -

Complete presence -

And that is a wonderful experience.

The only thing I can suggest is you just DO it -

See what happens.

Give, give, give and find out why.

Good stuff!

Go well,



Announcing the “Forget No More! An Hour a Day Mindfulness Challenge”

Want to end stress?

Live a really Alive life, being the best version of you?

Of course you do!

The secret to Life (with a capital L) is fully showing up for it.

That’s why the “Forget No More! An Hour a Day Mindfulness Challenge” is for you.

A very cool challenge that will boost your “mindfulness muscle” (or habit if you prefer)

So you can remember to be present and forget to be stressed – no matter what you’re busy doing, in Real Life.

If you want to:

    •    end overwhelm and stress; “I’ve got too much to do and no time to do it”

    •    no longer feed negativity; “I’m useless, I can’t do this, I’ll never get it right”

    •    ditch anxiety, worry, regret, guilt and over-thinking; “I’m scared, I’m did it/am doing it wrong; I need to be in control”

    •    stop unconsciously reacting and then regretting it

    •    find happiness that is uncaused, enjoy this moment as it is and who you are, as you are

This challenge is for you.

There’s a free guide with some nifty tricks,

A Facebook group for questions, support, to keep you reminded and inspired with regular little goodies such as videos from me.

Everything you need to stop forgetting, end stress and get super present and super Alive.

If you want in, head this way to get the (short) guide and get going:


Join us!

My Wonderous Stress Ending, Life Boosting Mindfulness Challenge - For You!

It’s arrived!

Let me tell you about the “Forget No More! An Hour a Day Mindfulness Challenge”

You’re here because you want to end stress.

You don’t want to just manage it,

You want to put it down.

No more stress! Yah!

No more resentment, no more overwhelm, no more anxiety or guilt or such like.


AND - because at the rate you drop stress, Aliveness blooms in all its glory.

Clarity, calm, contentment - a profound and productive life is revealed.

Living life as the best version of you.



The secret lies in being super dooper present, or mindful as you might call it.

The hardest thing people tell me about being mindful?

“I keep forgetting!”

We’ve spent so long not being present, forgetting to be mindful and then being drawn into stress and overwhelm is a super common experience.

Well – forget no more!

This “eyes open” challenge is so you can build your “mindful muscle” (or habit, if you’d prefer)

And remember to be present and forget to be stressed – no matter what you’re busy doing.

Doing this challenge will result in a radical boost to your real life “Forget No More” mindfulness and presence.

You would be interested in this challenge if you want to:

    •    end overwhelm and stress; “I’ve got too much to do and no time to do it”

    •    no longer feed negativity; “I’m useless, I can’t do this, I’ll never get it right”

    •    ditch anxiety, worry, regret, guilt and over-thinking; “I’m scared, I’m did it/am doing it wrong; I need to be in control”

    •    stop unconsciously reacting and then regretting it

    •    find happiness that is uncaused, enjoy this moment as it is and who you are, as you are

As part of the challenge there's a great little Facebook group that’s been getting going so you can stay reminded and inspired,

Tap into a community of like minded people,

Get support, answers to your questions,

Regular stuff like videos and such from me -

I’m excited.

It’s completely free,

And all you have to do to download the guide and get going,

Is head this way:



Lemme know!

Go well,



The “Forget No More! An Hour a Day Mindfulness Challenge” is open to anyone …

As long as they’re cool!

So if you have buddies who might be interested,

Send them this link:


Think you can do it?

The Search is … What The? (I messed up)

I am sorry.

Despite my best efforts I remain a little technically …

How shall we say?

Sometimes I'm a disaster area.

Yesterday - and I didn't even realise it until someone told me ...

I sent my email list the wrong email.

I hate spam, and I was spamming my heart out ... through ignorance of course, but nonetheless ...

You see, I have a list that give advice, tips, inspiration, know how, funny stories -

All about meditation and mindfulness,

About losing stress and struggle and confusion,

About mastering the mind and getting calm, focussed and happy,

And about discovering what it means to truly be alive.

(Sign up here if you like the idea of that:)


I invited everyone on that list to a live Facebook event

But unfortunately…

I sent it to the wrong email group.

You see -

If you haven’t learnt to Ascend, you can’t come.

It’s members only.


One of the perks of learning The Bright Path Ishayas' Ascension.

We as teachers provide all the help and support you want and need.

My way of doing it is live video so I can answer people's questions on a one to one basis,

But everyone wins because they usually have something similar going on.

All this support - for free - to me is amazing.

And I benefitted from enormously when I was learning the ins and outs of Ascension meditation.

I know I do it because I love it,

And there's nothing better than helping people make the most of what you've just taught them.

Seeing the light switch on in their eyes and stress fall away is ... priceless.

The most simplest and powerful techniques for mastering your worries, doubts and stresses?


The tools to stay present and focused and calm and content and alive no matter where you are or what you are involved in?


Person to person support as an ongoing additional to the initial course?


The ability to repeat the course for free, anywhere in the world, as many times as you like?

(Something I very much recommend, by the way …)


Very cool.

It’s like a lifetime membership so you can constantly and never-endingly learn and grow and be inspired …

It really is the end of stress and struggle and discovering what it is to truly be alive.

But I do apologise.

Without coming to the initial course ...

(Which actually you can do - and why not?)

I can only help you on a limited basis.

The best I can do is we can arrange a coaching call about some simple things you can do straight away -

Which is actually super cool in itself.

My recent ones have been really satisfying in that the guys I've talked to have been getting a lot in a short time.

It’s free - so if you’d like to take advantage of that, head this way:


Go well!



I do apologise, once again.

I don’t like to promise stuff and then take it away.

But …

since it’s out there,

If you are an Ascender?

On Thursday at 8pm UK time,

For an educational, entertaining and enlightening 45 minutes or so

Be here:


Apply early so I can add you before the event.

It *should* be recorded so you can watch it later,

Though given my propensity for technical disaster, we shall see ...

Watching car crash TV

I’m in the waiting room of my mechanic -

And there’s Jeremy Kyle on the TV.

I’ve never seen Mr Kyle’s show before,

What a treat!

If you haven’t seen it, or live outside the UK, how can I explain?

A talk show where family members, friends … people … get on and discuss a problem.

But of course it’s sensational .. people shout and argue, walk off, throw things, fight.

Many times it’s humanity at its worst.

I told the receptionist I’d never seen the show and she was all mock shock and surprise -

She loves it you see,

When she watches how terrible other humans are,

How bad some people’s lives are,

It makes her life seem alright.

It makes her appreciate her own life so much more.

I see what she means …

But what if you could appreciate and be grateful for your life without comparison?

You see, comparison can become the thief of joy -

Because if you’re comparing down in some sort of social strata -

You’ll be comparing up too.

And that can hurt.

Comparison can be great -

Having the perspective that you have a wonderful life sometimes comes from seeing others struggle.


What if appreciation and gratitude became your natural way of living life?

A choice for sure, but a choice that became automatic?

There are two ways you can make sure of that -

When you notice that you’re harsh on yourself,

When you’re focussed on what is wrong, on what is missing or lacking,

When you’re judging and condemning yourself or others,

Put in place the opposite, “upward spiralling” thought -

Find something to appreciate.

Find something to be grateful for.

Help someone out.

And …

Be present, be in the here and now.

Becoming more aware of your own presence in this moment,

Being more immersed in what is right in front of you,

Being in your body as opposed to being in your mind, thinking your life away …

This is the root of becoming automatically appreciative and grateful -

Without needing someone else to be doing worse than you.

Those people who Ascend and are reading this know what I’m talking about.

Because it makes that choice automatic.

It takes away the habits of judgement and focussing on what is wrong.

It's a super simple and yet powerful way of changing the foundation of your entire life.

If you have no idea of what I'm talking about?

Start right here with my free guide to being more present and positive:


or if you want me to guide you through with a quick,

And free coaching call about all this stuff,

head this way:


Go well!



One top tip for a happier life is ...

To limit the amount of trashy gossipy magazines and TV you get yourself exposed to.

Think of it like fast food for your soul,

Tastes good for about a second,

THEN you feel it.

Everyone loves a cheeky binge of junk food every now and then for sure,

But all the time? Not so good huh?

Feed yourself good stuff!

The great kind of reminder

You know what I love best about my daughter?

It’s being reminded by her constantly of what’s really important.

First thing in the morning I take the chance to Ascend when she has a nap -

Quiet bubba means I can get quiet time and spend some time nurturing me.

She wakes with a huge smile on her face.

She’s so happy, just to be awake, alive, to see me

(I guess - maybe she's laughing at me? ha!)

What a great start to the day you know?

Such a reminder that I want to live life with a huge fat inner smile.

Adults get caught up in all sorts of games and mind trickery -

They forget the things that really matter …

In the busy-ness of life and getting stuff done -

We forget … you forget.

And that’s the cause of all your stress and struggle and misery …

Because you don’t remember what is really important to you.

You don’t prioritise what is really crucial to you.

You know?

So in this game of life, staying reminded, staying inspired is everything.


What do you do to stay inspired?

How do you - yes you - stay motivated and reminded to do those things that make you come alive,

And live a life with a big fat inner smile?

It’s worth doing, isn’t it?

Here's a FREE guide on ways of staying reminded - and clear of stress and struggle:


Go well!



Perhaps that’s why grandparents love being grandparents so much?

They’ve got the perspective -

They’re not trying to survive,

They’ve got that half step back from it all,

And because of that can really enjoy their time


$185 paperclip … ?

So I see you can buy a PAPERCLIP for $185.

You could argue that it IS designed by those super stylish and oh so clever people at Prada,

AND is made of silver,

AND isn’t actually JUST a paper clip,

(even though it is a direct copy of one, just a little larger)

But is a money clip,

Therefore it is worth every penny.

How very nice …

But for what reason does such an object exist?

It’s like the gold pizza you can buy, and eat.

And - I’m not actually against people spending their hard earned dosh as they like.

However, I do scratch my head in amazement sometimes


Humanity works so hard to make money to buy things …

(now you are human, hopefully, so let me me address you personally - )

You work so hard to make money to buy things,

That you think will make you happy.

The things you buy are wonderful -

But don't totally satisfy the itch of “not quite satisfied …”

And therefore you work harder to buy more things in the hope that these things will give you what you want.

In the process, getting sick and stressed and grumpy …

Anxious and worried and resentful

And hating the journey along the way.

Not enjoying this moment, now, right here, right now -

Because you’re too busy looking for the future,

Where it will be better.

This moment - now - is, at best,

A bus stop, a waiting room, a street corner

That is to be endured while the better brighter hope comes along.

Get off the treadmill of future hoping for happiness.

Get off the treadmill of waiting for life to start, sometime.

Work hard and buy all the silver paperclips you like …

But get present, and don’t lose now.


If you do this?

So much enjoyment, so much Aliveness.

The end of struggle, the end of torturing yourself.

I promise.

You want that?

Here's a FREE (and short, easy to read) download that'll tell you everything you need to know to have that more:


Go well!




I think someone spiked my coffee.

Feisty or what?

So - Are you in?

Are you excited about more Life?

Great, there is no end to the more you can experience:



Perfectly happy thanks, fulfilled, at peace, nothing lacking at all?

Well done you. 

I'm not sure I believe you, but good on you anyway.


Rambo paints to be happy

OK - famous people …

Easy life, right?

Everything on a plate.

No struggle, no stress …

Need something? Just buy it.

All good …

Except when you’re chasing the wrong carrot -

Like 99.9% of the rest of the world.

What am I talking about?

Well - let's take a step sideways for a moment.

You see Sly Stallone is apparently a well sort after painter.

His paintings are actually well regarded - and not just because they have his name attached.

Now, how on earth did Rambo get into painting?

It ties in nicely for you and your life, here:

I remember reading Sylvester Stallone saying that he thought fame would solve his problems,

They solved some, but brought a whole host of different ones.

And never gave him what he REALLY wanted,

Which was freedom and happiness.

Sly found that not in fame or fortune, but through simply painting.

He found the zone, and being present -

And therefore freedom from his mind, and resulted in large amounts of happiness

All through being in the here and now.

Getting clear on what carrot you’re chasing after is super important.

If you chase the wrong one you can end up travelling very far and getting very frustrated as to why life isn’t giving you what you want.

I was the same.

I thought having my “achieve” list ticked would equal contentment and happiness.

I had my life as I wanted it, exactly …

House, money, friends, perfect job with plenty of time off, perfect location for kayaking and climbing and snowboarding,

All good, EXCEPT -

It didn’t equal satisfaction.

Which resulted in torture for me.

Confusion, hollowness, depression, “what am I doing wrong?”, “what’s the point anyway?” all going through my head at 3am in the morning.

Poor me, you may say.

A first world problem you may say.

You had everything, and you’re whining you may say.

Well I say: you know nothing Jon Snow …

And if you don't follow this advice, you’ll end up in the same place as Sly and me.

(we often hang out)


You have to work out what is MOST important to you,

And then prioritise that in each and every moment.

If you don’t?

You’ll get to the end of your life and realise you wasted it,

Chasing the wrong thing,

Living a hollow life.

I”m not saying chasing money or fame or a family or your soul mate or any of that “external” stuff is irrelevant and unimportant,

I’m saying realise what will TRULY satisfy you and make that your foundation.

Then everything you throw on top - the money, the fame, the relationship, the kids -

Will be way more fun.

Sorting out the right carrot is the FIRST thing you should do.

And if you'd like to know more on that,

Download this free guide to getting this as well as more calm, less frazzle and stress:


Go well



You know why having the right foundation works so beautifully?

Because then everything else isn’t a NEED -

You don’t need it to be happy and fulfilled,

But you WANT it -

A whole world of difference when it comes to stress and enjoyment in getting the thing you want. 


Wonder Woman was pregnant!

I just found out Wonder Woman - Gal Gadot - was 5 months pregnant while completing filming.

(good film btw)

That is awesome.

Ever since I witnessed Sumati being pregnant I have a whole new world of respect for pregnancy,

To be pregnant and do all those stunts,

To squeeze into that costume, with those wedgey booty things,

(not sure how practical they are for real fighting, but hey - they looked good) …


But that’s not all …

Found out that Serena Williams was also 2 months pregnant when winning her a grand slam tennis title.

Lesser known Dana Volmer - a US swimmer - competed in a national race also with a 5 months bun in the oven!

She said it was easier than chasing a small toddler around all day long.

Mind blown already.

A kid, pregnant, training and competing to a world level standard.

That seems like a whole different universe of alpha mum-mage right there.

Then you get that principal of that girls school who was in the office the DAY after giving birth.

She wanted to give the girls a message that they could do anything.

Fair play …

And if you’re one of those unstoppable mums who can do all of this and more,

Without breaking a sweat.

Good on you!

But …

There’s always a but isn’t there?

At what cost?

And I WAS wondering why so many mums talk to me about comparison.

About impossible standards -

Torturing themselves if they can’t juggle everything they used to juggle,

Or can't even remember their own names sometimes.

Wanting to do stuff, even every day stuff, and finding there’s a whole different game at play.

Little beings who demand your attention and commitment - your all.

You give it freely -

I see Sumati up all hours of the night breast feeding …

Then sometimes she’s wondering why she’s exhausted.

It’s just when you throw “I should be doing more” on top,

Not only you suffer, but everyone around you feels it too.

The resentment, the doubt, the comparison - to others, to your former self


The point is your own worst enemy exists in between your own ears.

Those beliefs and expectations and assumptions -

They are the things that make life what it is.

There are the facts of life,

Then there is our head that reacts and filters and warps these facts.

Deal with your head and then everything happens with so much more simplicity,

More enjoyment, more efficiency, more contentment.

I think that’s why so many mums love Ascension.

It gives them the ability to get out of their heads -

To reorder priorities and reduce self induced pressure,

To rest and recover,

To get rid of regret and resistance,

To gain stability in the chaos.

Here's a FREE download of a part of what I teach when you learn:

(Not the techniques, no, but some excellent ideas on getting going)


Ask if you have any questions!

Go well,



If you're a dad and wondering where you fit in with all this?

If you live with women?

You need to know all the above.

Awareness means you can understand.

Understanding means you can help and assist and make things easier.

And that is no small thing at all.


A Life or a life?

Ahhhh … been away teaching for the week. And as nice as staying in a hotel is, with steak every night if I wished,

With a chocolate “death star” globe containing sticky toffee pudding and ice-cream to finish -

(seriously good)

As amazing as that sounds? There’s nothing like being at home, with Sumati and Bubsy.

Home is where the heart is.

And it’s so true - in a different sense too:

Home is where your heart is:

No matter where you are, there you are.

I used to try and find peace in certain places.

What I was trying to do was escape my head by getting further and further up a mountain,

Or deeper and deeper into a river at the bottom of a valley -

And as beautiful as those experiences are,

As wonderful as being out in nature is,

My head went where I went.

Peace isn’t in a place or an activity, but in my ability to ignore the voices in my head,

And immerse myself in the moment.

Absorb myself in the here and now.

That is where you find peace too -

That is how you make sure life is filled with enjoyment and aliveness,

Rather than drudgery and overwhelm and anxiety and all those things …

Learn from the past and plan for the future, yes,

But base yourself, base your life in this moment in time,

In the presence you find beyond thought and emotion and action.

This is the only moment you can live.

You can postpone it by being regretful for a past moment or fearful for a uncertain future,

Yet now will always be waiting for you, when … IF you return to it.

Then you can really start living.

Here it is, where are you?

Go well! Arjuna


What to know how you can do that more?

Here's a free guide for you, packed full of ideas and ways of being more present and more alive.

Get your copy here:

https://arjunaishaya.leadpages.co/sane-fb PPS.

7 days till the advanced workshop for Ascenders only.

Sunday 2 July

It’s going to be a doozy.

Want a seat?


Wonder Woman

I went to the movies for the first time in months. Bunked off work,

And on a super sunny afternoon we strolled into the cinema.

Wonder Woman if you must know.

No great cultural masterpiece, but how wonderful and entertaining.

How cool to be out at the movies!

Set free from regularity and the "same old same old".

Skipping work and going out and playing.

Just like the old days.

Innocence, the joy of simple things, play.

I figure if you learn to enjoy the simple stuff, the big stuff will be amazing.

But you have to be in that frame of mind, in that attitude.

You gotta have your eyes open and notice.

Otherwise you just miss out as you speed from task to task.

And that would be a shame because you end up speeding through everything and missing out on life itself.

So my words for today are innocence and notice ... and play.

Take a breath, take a moment.

Be aware.

Life is good. Enjoy it.

Go well! Arjuna


Want to make it simple?

Here's a ton of ideas of how,

A free 7 page guide with 108 simple ideas to keep it simple, no less:
