
Time Travelling - Your Super Power

I’ve got ten minutes free from baby duties. Who would have thought that a little being could take up so much time and attention?

Not me, not me at all.

I have no idea what I used to fill my time with - if you’re a parent you know exactly what I mean.

All good though -

Since I have 9 minutes left, I just have to be more efficient.

Flexible helps too, right?

Who knows what’s going to happen!

These are the super powers of a parent - being efficient, flexible, patient.

Oh - and having a good sense of humour.

All absolutely crucial "internal" super power skills - and skills they are.

You CAN develop more of them.

Sometimes I ask people if they could have a super power, what would it be?

A big chunk of people say time travel.

Simply because you only get wise when you experience something.

Wisdom comes from hindsight -

On comes the lightbulb after you've crashed around the room in the dark, smashing a few things ...

You live it THEN you realise.

Occasionally you have to experience something time and time again before the light comes on or your eyes are opened -

(Pick whatever metaphor you like best)

And that’s my hope for my life, that I only have to live through something once to get it …

Rather than having wisdom smack my head against reality a few times before I finally wake up, you know?


Because of this wisdom coming best through experience and hindsight there is the door for sneaky old regret to come in ...

And take over.

Which it does.

A flash of insight, and then -

“I’ve been a fool. I wish I could travel back in time and do that again”.

Trouble is:

You can’t.

The past is done - you can celebrate it, learn from it, apologise for it …

Yet as hard as you try in your own mind, you can never, ever relive and redo it.

That’s where the super power quality of your headspace and mindset comes in.

There's a type of calm, present happiness that means you set yourself free from the things that aren't possible.

You get an appreciation that, actually, time travel only happens in your head - and therefore is a huge waste of time and emotion, right up there with regret.

So you put an end to regret and endless wishing you could do it again -

Instead getting wise and doing something constructive with the time you DO have.

But also it's a two-for-one type deal.

This skill means you get the ability to react unwisely less and less.

You get the space and time to consider what you’d like to say or do BEFORE you snap and say or do something a little less than what would you like.

Wouldn’t that be nice?

Wouldn't that come in handy and make your life so much smoother - and enjoyable?

Why, yes - yes indeed, it would.

https://arjunaishaya.leadpages.co/sane-fb/ Go well,



Any questions? Fire away if you do.


Stay here!

As in this precise moment in time.

Don’t go anywhere.

This is the one moment you have to do anything with.

And -

You’ll soon realise that the experience of this moment is so much greater than the thought of another.

The Absurdity Of Beating A Mind To Train It

I was taking a stroll down by the river with my ladiez … Sun was shining, the river was glistening, birds a chirping.

A perfectly lovely scene.

I turn the corner where upon we witness a man yelling and thrashing his dog to get it to behave.

Curious behaviour I thought.

But behaviour that is common nonetheless - is it not?

When someone (or some dog) doesn’t do what you want them to do, simply yell louder and effect violence.

Not working? Simply shout louder.

You may chuckle, but chances are you do that with yourself.

You get violent and yell and shout at yourself when you do something wrong, when you don't "behave"…

You try and beat your own mind to get it to stop being so reactive or anxious or negative or worried.

And then you wonder why your head never behaves in the way you want it to.

If you think you don’t do this?

Take an honest look at your self-dialogue.

For real - no one would even talk to an animal the way they talk to themselves.

I know this because I’ve tried that route of self-training.

I know that pattern of internal talk,

Of trying to gain mastery of my mind by thrashing and yelling and viciousness.

Didn’t work, at all.

If you’ve ever seen a dog that has been beaten, it doesn’t want to come close to you.

Because it’s worried it’ll get another beating.

Witness a dog that is rewarded for good behaviour though …

It WANTS to do what you want it to.

It wants to return and sit and await orders.

It doesn’t run off at the slightest hint of interest some where else.

You can teach it to do just about anything you want it to.

The answer for you in all of this?

In learning to master your mind and therefore gain mastery over your words and deeds, stop the internal violence.

Mind (and dog) training needs reward not beatings.

It's time to put down the whip.

How do you reward your mind for good behaviour?

Head this way and we'll get you started:

https://arjunaishaya.leadpages.co/sane-fb/ Go well, alright!



Another great thing you need in mind training?


Just like training your dog - consistency is everything.

With time and with practice, and reward, you’ll get there.


The Sunny Side Of The Train

I’m writing to you as I sit on the sunny side of the train, heading into Kent. I have a course on over the next few days, but the most crucial - and enjoyable - part of this is the feeling of sun on my face.

Sitting here, doing nothing, nothing to do, just to sit.

Love that.

I look around at my fellow travellers and hope they are enjoying themselves as much as I am.

Enjoying life is so simple; WHEN you know how.

It’s about choice - where you choose to place your attention.

You can stay wrapped up in what's in your head, perhaps go over a problem or what you might have to do later on …

Or you can broaden your horizons, step beyond the mind and really be in this moment - really absorb yourself in it.

If you do this you will find that you miss out on so much of your life by overthinking.

Your life passing by, and all because you're stuck in your head.

Someone once said the whole purpose of life is to be happy, and yet there are so many people looking for happiness by anticipating and solving a problem that isn't here, that may never actually happen.

Get present and you'll find happiness:

Happiness and calm and contentment and fulfilment and aliveness that is uncaused; and just because you showed up to the one place happiness is.

Right here.

Think about it - the greatest moments of your life?

You were totally absorbed in the moment, in what was in front of you.

Stress wasn't managed for you to get to this place, problems weren’t solved -

You dropped everything.

You forgot all about your problems, so immersed were you in the one place where your life is: here and now.

If you want to fill your moments with greatness, you can.

It is indeed possible to live this way, permanently.

Get present, get alive to now - that is the answer. It is the journey and it is the destination.

Do it and you will see so clearly the only time you have a problem is when you leave this moment and start thinking.

Problems are always past and future. Now contains no struggle; not if you fully give yourself to it.

So finding full effectiveness and enjoyment in life - whatever your life may contain - is all about now.

And now.

And now.

Practice that.

I'd learn the Ishayas' Ascension. Honestly - It makes the return so simple. And it's incredibly powerful in that it removes your habits that distract you from now quickly and effortlessly.

Here's how to find out more:

https://arjunaishaya.leadpages.co/sane-fb/ Go well!



All of life begins within you.

Everything you are looking for starts right here -

Tap into that and everything gets easier.

And way more fun.

How To Be Mega Efficient

It’s become increasingly apparent to me, In fact more than ever with the little froglet,

That I don’t have any time to waste on unconscious frivolities.

Time - even and especially when I want to spend it on conscious frivolities, is short.

Someone wise once said:

“Don’t manage your time, manage your attention”

Which I believe is perfect - simply because time is not constant.

As what Einstein was on about - time is relative.

Relative to you, to what you’re doing, to how much fun you’re having.

Relative to your individual perception. (Which is a whole other fascinating conversation)


Time flies, time fills the space available, time just depends.

Here’s the thing I noticed about attention, and why it's so important:

I used to give so much of my attention to thinking about any other moment EXCEPT for the one in front of me.

I was rarely present,

I was in a dreamworld of past events and possible futures.

I would have conversations with my clients and co-workers in the car on the way to work.

I would be at work, thinking about being at home.

I would be at home, thinking about being at work.

Rarely did I ever manage to be present, right here, right now.

Developing the skill - perhaps you might call it the mental strength or flexibility - of managing my attention became important, crucial even.

And what I realise now more than ever is that when you are present you can be more efficient.

(and creative too - it’s not stifled by overthinking and rigid plans).

When you are present and attentive to this moment, you can meet the need of this moment.

What it ACTUALLY requires, not what you think it requires, or should.

You get in, get whatever needs done, you drop it.

Minimal effort, minimal mental strain, just done.

The difficulty only occurs when I think too much about it.

Second guessing, worrying, future surfing, all that stuff …

Am I right?

This goes for every field of human endeavour.

Business, being in my kayak, changing a nappy, planning a trip, conversating with Sumati about dinner.

Keep it simple.

Learn to manage your attention and everything gets simpler.

See those habits where you WANT to go over and rehash and rehearse and all that mental cognitation (made that word up)

… And return to this moment, right here.

Get good at that and you’ll do more with more effortlessness and more fun.

You’ll also stay cool, calm and collected, connected to your centre.

Which is a lovely way to live.

Not only lovely - it’s the only SANE way to live.

You want that?

Here’s how to get the tools to be that:

https://arjunaishaya.leadpages.co/sane-fb/ Go well, alright?



Sanity is a trait sadly lacking in our lives, don’t you think?

Not due to people not wanting it - but for me at least - not knowing HOW to get it.

I mean if you want to get fit, you go get a personal trainer or strap some running shoes to your feet.

If you want to get really and truly wide eyed alive and sane, how do you even start?

Honestly - here’s how: https://arjunaishaya.leadpages.co/sane-fb/

When Chick Flicks Turn Out To Be Great

Is there a word for that pleasant sense of surprise when you really enjoy a film you had assumed will be absolute rubbish? There should be.

Sumati and I have been going to a lot of films lately -

We figure we won’t get so much of a chance when baby comes.

She really wanted to see “La La Land”

I agreed to go, because I’m a good husband -

But really I just had the idea it would be a chick flick and a musical combined, which is my worst cinematic nightmare.

I’m not a big fan of “girly films”, but I really don’t like musicals.

Just start humming the tune to that song from Frozen and I get all edgy -

(And this is with a daily meditation practice - imagine me without … )

And yet I liked this film.

More than that, I really LOVED it.

Left the cinema humming the theme tune.

What a nice surprise huh?

That should teach me -

Lesson No.1:

Stay innocent.

Don’t prejudge anything.

Have no expectations.

I know those expectations are usually there because of past experience, but be fluid with them.

Don’t hold them tight because you make your world super small -

They mean you don’t allow for change.

I certainly was glad I went along despite my (super low) expectations.

Expectations and assumption nicely dovetail.

It happens so much in life, doesn’t it?

We drag the past into this moment and ASSUME it will be exactly the same.

In relationship - so often people stop TRULY communicating because of these two things.

They expect and assume, so they never ask.

People assume that their relationships are solid, but they do little make SURE they are.

They don’t do the work to keep building the love up, least of all just to keep it alive, firing, exciting.

Relationships become “transactional” -

As in “don’t forget to get the milk”, or “can you pick up the kids?”

Busy lives mean relationships get taken for granted, the nurturing gets forgotten.

Don’t do this!!

It leads to awful results.

And so often you least expect it when they sit down and have “that” talk with you.

Because you’re so unaware.

Where does meditation come into all of this?

See - meditation gives you the awareness of your patterns and habits.

It makes you more loving and attentive.

It gives you perspective to see what you want to prioritise, and the headspace to follow through.


I can give you exactly what you need to meditate like a champion,

And have the greatest relationship you have ever had,

(I’m know this because I’ve gone from uselessly unaware in relationships, FULL of expectation and assumption, to living the best relationship I’ve ever had, right now)

Opt in here:


Go well, keep the peace! Arjuna


I’m talking about ANY relationship.

With your kids, at work, with your team mates, the shop keeper

Every relationship you value needs you FULLY in it.

Bites, Scratches and Will Mess You Up

Expect all the bad things to happen, that’s my motto. Pessimism is a virtue.

(Actually it’s not - quite).

Though if you buy not one, but 2 lion cubs, as FAMILY pets - expect them to cause trouble.

And pee everywhere.

The family who are trying to sell these cubs were surprised to find out they weren’t so tame.

Why do people do it?

Obviously there wasn’t any kind of dawning that perhaps it’s not a good idea.

If you’re an experienced lion tamer?

Maybe. Maybe.

It’s not quite up there with the guy who went ice fishing and instead of taking the time to carve a hole, decided to throw a stick of dynamite to create one.

His dog raced off and fetched it for him.

… but it’s in the same ball park.

Explosives, wild (and even semi-trained) animals - they all require careful handling.

Here’s something you need to know too -

Your mind, untrained, can be your worst enemy.

Some psychologists have talked about how negativity and worry is the mind’s “default” position.

Your mind actually tries to help you by looking for all the things that could go wrong.

It’s an old caveman style protective mechanism to point out all the things that could put you in “danger”.

You know this if you’ve ever tried to go to sleep at night and your mind takes the quiet time to let you know exactly what you need to look out for…

… (again and again and again) …

Or if you’re caught MIA thinking about that work problem at the dinner table …


If you’ve ever embarked on an ambitious project - say in business or training for a big event - and all the doubt and the limitations and the reasons why you’ll never succeed come FLOODING in.

(That one is particularly vexing).

You know your mind, like a dog fetching dynamite, can be very, very “helpful” …

As in, not at all.

Here’s my tip -

Treat your own head like a wild lion cub or a stick of dynamite.

Expect the worst -

Handle it with great consideration -

Know that it will go mad sometimes -

Take the thoughts with a huge pinch of salt -

And train it.

Train the thing!!

Because trained it can be legendary.

It can be the greatest tool you possess.

Wouldn’t having a well trained lion be awesome??

(I actually don’t know if it’s even possible)

Take that for a walk in your local park and watch everyone fall over.

Anyhoo -

Two things in training your mind:

Be present to this moment in time, and get a bulletproof Positive Mental Attitude.

It’s the two things your mind is useless at.

They are your biggest weaknesses, that when mastered, will become your biggest strengths.

They mellow and counter all the “Watch Out” and “Danger” default tendencies of your head -

All the judgements, the anxieties and worries, the "What Is The Point?"s -

Giving you a rock solid foundation for calm, clarity, and great happiness -

So you get stress free, great productivity, awesomely loving relationships, and so much fun and fulfilment.

And freedom from thinking too much.

Want the simplest, no nonsense or dogma, super direct HOW to train your mind?

Opt in here and I'll send you a FREE How To Meditate quick start guide, and we'll continue the conversation.


Go well! Arjuna


Don’t wait till your head bites you really hard.

You can’t sell it on eBay.

And anyway, no one else wants it.


An Amazing Thing Happened The Other Day

I was sitting in my other office reading the news of the day, and I almost fell over. In El Salvador something amazing happened.

A few days ago they had the first day for over 2 years where there was no one murdered.

One day - no killings.

That is cause for celebration in a country (population 6 million) where the record for the number of murders in a 24 hour period is something like 122.

Puts things in perspective on life here doesn’t it?

Things are pretty good I reckon.

Really - you’re not in a war zone, chances are you have everything you need, you have a body that works remarkably well, a roof over your head, internet access …

And yet … do you really know how good life is, as it is, right now?

Perspective is a powerful thing.

Where I come from - New Zealand (pop. 4 million) - the biggest news is when someone is caught with more fish than their quota.

And yet it has one of the highest suicide rates in the world.

How could a small corner of hobbity paradise have that much misery?

All the strain in life? Comes from upstairs.

Mindset, thinking, attitude - it changes everything.

The TV series Breaking Bad:

Saw a line from the main character who has lung cancer:


I have spent my whole life scared, frightened of things that could happen, might happen, might not happen, 50-years I spent like that. Finding myself awake at three in the morning. But you know what? Ever since my [lung cancer] diagnosis, I sleep just fine.


Perspective and mindset and thinking - the most powerful agents that affect your life.

Where ever you go, whatever you do - you take your head with you.

Where ever you look - you look through your own head -

Your vision is filtered by your beliefs, patterns, programmes, thoughts, feelings.

You never see the world as it is, but actually as you are.

Your perspective and mindset is the foundation for all of your life.

Want to do things differently?

You’re in luck - nothing is fixed.

You can change those filters, you can change your perspective and your mindset.

You can learn to become in touch with this precise moment in time, never taking it for granted again,

Choosing to appreciate rather than condemn, to know the simple beauty of being alive.

You don’t have time NOT to get involved in this stuff.

It’s not frivolous, unnecessary, something for when you get around to it, just for the hippies …

It’s the core cause of everything you do.

No one can make you see this, but if you’re unsatisfied with the results in ANY part of your life,

Look at the thoughts and feelings you’re paying attention to.

If you’re interested in fast change there?

I know an easy and simple practice of meditation and mindset that brings quick transformation.

If you'd like to know more, opt in here. I'll give you a Quick Start Guide To Meditation and we can talk more:


Questions on anything? Just ask, I'd love to help.

Go well! Arjuna


Take nothing for granted.

Who knows?

Soon the Trump might come out speaking Russian.

Then things will really get interesting.

Make Sure This Doesn't Happen To You

make-sure-thisWhat is the greatest thing you can give anyone? That ALSO means you win too?

Let me tell you a quick story first.

Someone told me a story, the events of which made them realise this very thing.

You see - Steve was at the beach, on holiday with his family.

He decided to quickly check his emails on his phone, just to see if anything crucial work wise had come in.

His young daughter, previously playing nearby, ran up to him,

GRABBED his expensive smart phone,

And THREW it in the water.

Way in.

Ruined, done in, finished.

He was shocked to say the least -

But instead of getting angry,

Saw what he had been doing for so long:

Completely ignoring his loved ones.

“With” them, but not really there.

Absent at the wheel.

Alive but not really living.

He apologised to his daughter and since then locks his (new) phone in the hotel safe when he’s on holiday.

When he gets home from work - he makes sure he gives the most important thing to his wife and kids.

His full, undivided attention.

His complete presence.

Not just a nod and a kiss on the cheek.

Not just saying "yes dear" as he thinks about what happened at work that day.

But ALL of himself.

It's a bold move - and may involve giving up the addiction to mobile tech.

But well worth it in terms of the new found strength and enjoyment of your relationships.

Something to consider.

Where are you?


Or somewhere else?

Missing in action, as it were?

Don’t let your life slip away.

Don't let your relationships slip away.

If you want some skills and understanding to think and live differently?

To also get mind mastery in sports?

I have a workshop just for you:


Take it easy now, enjoy every moment.

- Arjuna

Do You Do Too Much Of This?

thinkingYes you do, because you are human. And humans are addicted to it, more than anything else in the whole world.

That thing?


It's actually over rated.

And bad for your health.


Thinking the wrong thoughts will kill you quicker than any cancer.

If you think you are in control of your thinking, take this little test:

I want you to notice what you are thinking for a day - like when you are awake. (Don’t worry about when you are asleep - that is a bit tricky)

Simply be aware as you go about your day what you are thinking about.

Ready? Ok - go.

Come back when you’re done.

Done already? Awesome.

What I want to point out is how much you are involved in unnecessary thinking.

Sure - and this argument always comes up -

Thinking can be pleasurable, it can be creative.

But be scientific about it for a minute.

Objectively observe yourself.

Have a look - take note of how much rubbish you think every single day.

How much non-creative, same old distracted thought that goes through your head.

BUT - also notice how much negative thinking you indulge in.

Judgement about others or yourself, or just the good old “I can’t”, "I'm stupid".

So - I’m not saying thinking is bad, it’s just that thinking is ALL some people know.

The only thing that some people know.

They know thinking so well they miss out on what is right in front of them.

Life, passing them by one moment at a time.

And if you’re honest - the reason you love the things you love to do -

Just as I love being in the outdoors, and in nature,

Is because you move away from thinking too much.

It calms down upstairs.

There is focus as well, you become immersed in this moment.

And from this calm and this focus there is happiness.

You love what you do at least partially (but probably more than partially) because your head doesn’t think so much.

If you can see this it will be the beginning of a new era for you.

Because you become more present to the only moment you can do anything about - this one.

More presence means being more alive.

It means life becomes Life.

It means you get better at what you love to do,

And you enjoy it more.

As well as being able to make the most of those moments where you’d rather not be there but you have no choice.

Like bathroom shopping for example.

I’m not saying anything, I’m just using that as an example.

So if you want freedom from thinking too much, or thinking the wrong stuff (ie. BAD thoughts), go here, I have what you need:


But right now I gotta scoot. My good wife wants to pick out a bath.

And as we all know, happy wifey makes a happy lifey.

Keep the Peace! Arjuna


I don’t take baths. Rather a quick shower. In and out, as it were. Job done, let’s do something more fun.

I call it “minimalism” - the least effort for the most result.

My wife calls it being “a grubby little monster”.

Tomaaato, Tomarrrto.

Donald Trump Does It

donaldFound a quote, purportedly by the Don himself. Regardless of your opinion of him he’s hit the nail on the head right here: ___________________

“I try to learn from the past, but I plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the present. That's where the fun is.” ___________________

I’m not going to get into whether you want to be like him or not, it’s all a bit boring actually.


All of your best, most memorable moments?

- You were absolutely present, absorbed in what you were doing.

When everything came alive, when all of your senses tuned into the task (even if that task was as simple as staring at a fire?)

- You were so present and involved in the experience of being right here, right now.

When it seemed you could do no wrong, your skills just flowed, there was balance and excellence and fun?

- That's right -- You were completely present and immersed in this moment.

When there was no such thing as doubt or anxiety, your mind was calm with intuition and flow and creativity to the fore?

You focussed exclusively on the present, and the task, and nothing distracted you at all.

You thought very little, and allowed your body to do what it needed to do.

You know what I’m talking about?

Yes you do.

If you want more of those experiences?

You gotta be like the Trumpet.

(In some ways)

Learn to focus and be present and alive to this moment in time.


Just tune in, right now.

Give more attention to what is happening right now.

Think less.

Do more - even if that doing is doing absolutely nothing.

Train yourself to detach from pointless thinking.

Learn to become more here and less past/future.

Give up regret and worry and “I can’t”.

You gotta practice - you have to make time for this.

If you want more of those memorable moments,

If you want to fill up your life with awesomeness.

If you want to be a better athlete, better at your career, a better partner and parent and friend.

This moment is it.

Don’t miss out!

Keep the Peace Arjuna


I have a practice, a group of techniques that will develop your ability to be more present.

Super simple, super powerful, super cool.

Through using these techniques you get the ability to stick to this present moment.

Meaning more calm, more focus, more happiness.

A better life, where ever you direct your efforts.

If you’d like to get started, I'll send you a Quick Start Guide To Meditation for Busy People, and we'll talk more:



I'm out and about in the Italian Alps, arm wrestling mountain guides and yodelling and all sorts of character building type activities.

So I won't be writing as much - but if you do want to say hello or ask a question, do fire away - I will reply.


Knowing when you’ve gone too far (4 things to watch for)

too farI think what I’ve written below could be one of THE most useful things I have ever written. It is a longer piece, but pull up a pew, grab something to drink and let’s talk.



The basis of what I teach is the importance of prioritising your peace.

“Prioritising your peace” is one way of saying this:

Every single day make your inner levels of calm, clarity and contentment the most important thing.

Every single day.


You are no use to anyone stressed, muddled and dissatisfied. You snap, you lose it, you react, you say things you regret, your relationships and health suffer, you do things to less than your ability, there’s overwhelm, fear, no sleep, no creativity, no fun …

And that ^^^ creeps up on you.

It develops a sneaky momentum that you’re not aware of before it's too late.

So knowing when you’re about to go too far is crucial.

If you’ve been practicing what I gave you in the “Quick Start Guide to Meditation”

(get a free copy here: https://arjunaishaya.leadpages.co/sports)

You’ll already have more self-awareness than 99% of the population.

You’ll see the difference in life when you’re “on” or “off”.

Here’s four key things to play with so you can take this further, and, as the slogan says -

Keep calm and carry on maximising your physical and mental abilities, your productivity, your relationships, your health, and your levels of fun …

In other words, so you can:

- rest deeper and recover faster for more energy to get bigger, badder adventures - get promoted quicker with more respect and more pay (or get the job you really want) - solve problems with less stress and with less irritation, frustration or anxiety, - get more loving (with, I must say, better sex), - stick around longer and be healthier than my wife’s grandad did (charging till the day he died at 98), - have so much more fun - in work, in the outdoors, everywhere - your friends will wonder why you’re smiling so much …

Here are four things - internal “early warning” signs -

- “Alarms", that (when you’re aware) will show you when you are NOT prioritising your peace and starting to lose it.

The Four Key Things To Watch For:

1. Levels of calm / stress / agitation Monitor your levels of calm and stress throughout the day. Remember - calm and stress has little to do with WHAT you are doing (i.e. the situation you find yourself in) and everything to do with HOW you’re doing it.

If you practice in the morning you’ll have a nice benchmark to work from for the day. The afternoon means you can settle back down, and go from there.

2. Negative thinking / resistance Notice your internal dialogue - if it’s getting negative it’s an excellent sign you need to do something. If you can’t change / leave / say something, then you must accept and give in (just for now).

3. Being hasty You can only do one thing at a time. Recognise when you’re racing around, trying to do several things at once. Stop, slow down, take some time to breathe and come back down. “Less haste, more speed” as my gran used to say.

4. Past / Future thinking You need to learn from the past and plan for the future (or enjoy and dream). No problem.

Recognise though when you’re thinking TOO much about the past and future. It’s an excellent sign you’re thinking about something you have no control over, or starting to be dissatisfied or frustrated with your current situation (Or you’re an absolute dreamer).

Instead of getting involved in those thoughts come back to the same place as your body and focus on what’s right in front of you.

You can change all of the above. You can choose to experience something different.

Making that choice simple and automatic is part of what I can help you with - I teach simple and powerful methods for freedom of choice, freedom from stress and struggle.

Go here to get a quick start practice that goes with these four things, and we can speak more about this "stuff" in greater depth:



Tell me how it goes for you.



Thanks for reading.

I do appreciate the fact that you’re interested in this stuff.

To me it’s the only game in town. It gives you so much for so little effort.

If I can ever assist with anything, just let me know. Honestly.

You're a cyborg and don’t even know it

Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 preset You are a cyborg.

I know you’d like to think you’re like the Terminator.

At least, I wanted to be like Arnie’s version, back when I was a sprog.

I don’t mean that -

I mean you have certain programmes that run in the background of your life, just like a cyborg or a computer does.

If you own a PC, you’d be advised to run the “defrag” programme regularly.

Defragging puts everything back into place. It makes sense and order from mess and chaos.

Afterwards everything runs so much smoother and faster.

Rest and recovery is like that too.

It’s not optional.

You NEED to rest and recover - it’s the antidote to inner stress, mess and overwhelm.

It is a prerequisite for having enough energy and focus for bigger, badder adventures -

More patience and connection for sweeter relationships (with more lovin’)

More efficiency and creativity for faster promotions with more respect (Or getting the job you want)

And more Life and Fun in each and every moment.

If you want more of all of the above,

(and let’s face it, WHO doesn’t?)

You need to be aware of some of the other programmes running in the background of your head.

You have certain beliefs, “loops” of habit, certain ways of thinking and doing.

Picture an old LP - it has grooves which, when the needle goes in, plays a certain tune.

You have the same grooves (habits of thinking and doing)

Some of these serve you - like a habit of getting enough rest and recovery.

Some of these do not in any way shape or form.

They are the part of you that stops you.

Now what tends to happen is that in times of pressure or stress (or lack of adequate rest) -

The programmes or grooves that don't serve you take over.

If you ever wonder why you just react in a certain way time and time again - this is why.

If you’ve ever tried to beat such a habit and failed - this is also why.

They are deep and quite “slippery”.

The needle of your mind goes down that groove easily - and you get the same tune time and time again.

If you want a different tune, a song of your choosing - you need to replace those programmes, you need to create a different groove.

The meditation and mindset that I teach removes these programmes that you don’t want.

It literally is a “reprogramming”.

Wiping the slate clean so you can choose how you’d like to respond.

It’s fast, powerful and very simple. AND it gives you deep rest and fast recovery.

A “Two For One” you might exclaim! And you’d be right.

If you’re interested, opt in here for more information, and I'll send you a "Quick Start Guide to Meditation", to well, get you started, quick:


Take it easy out there!



I heard the Queen is really a cyborg.

But I also heard she’s a lizard from outer space.

I don’t know what to think.

Do you? -

The Zone - Your Natural State?

zoneWhat if I told you being in the Zone was your natural state?

That permanent calm, focus, happiness, heightened skills and senses was possible?

You may say “no way”, but it’s true.

The secret to being in the Zone is that you can’t try and be in the Zone.

It may sound all a bit Zen and beyond you, but stick with me.

Trying and straining to “get it” means you don’t get anything.

Olympic legend powerhouse gymnast (at 5 foot nothing) Simone Biles said recently:


“Most people would focus on concentrating more and I can’t do that. It almost makes me overthink a lot of my things. I have to focus on not thinking”


The secret to the Zone is this:

You can’t think.

How on EARTH do you not think?

Well, trying not to think does NOT work.

Trying to focus doesn’t either.

Instead, the secret lies in tuning into this precise moment in time.

Being aware of your senses more than your thoughts.

It means focussing on the here and now.

If you try, it means your body can’t do what it knows to do.

And it knows a lot - you don’t trust it enough.

And you start putting more attention on thinking again.

Now, before you throw this all away in disgust:

Being present is simple.

Learning not to think so much is too.

Just stop.

Be in your body, right now.

Tune into the sounds and feelings and sensations.

Let them all come and go.

Don’t chase any, just notice them.

Be in the centre of your awareness.

Job done.

Trouble is, you never practice focus and presence.

A recent study said that humans spend on average 47% of their day somewhere else.

How can you be in the Zone if you never practice it?

That’s right - you can’t.

The key right there is to practice as much as you can.

All of life benefits when you are present to it.

So you can’t lose.

You’re only going to get better at it.

Now if you really want the simple method?

If you want the tools dissolve all obstacles to you being present, focussed, and in the Zone?

Go here to get a more information on the next course, and cool daily emails like this one:


Nothing simpler, or more powerful.

Keep the peace!

  • Arjuna


You do have to practice of course.

Practicing the right things makes perfect.

And you will be wondering why you never did something like this a long, long time ago.

Go here for all the info.

If I can help? Just ask, I’d love to chat.


Thinking Is Bad For You

thinking is badJust saw a study that said the best golfers are the ones that don’t think. I’ve never played much golf, but I can appreciate the kind of zone that you have to get into to hit a ball with a stick into a hole.

And my personal Zone experiences are more often than not characterised by silence up top, not a barrage of noise in the form of thinking.

I would go as far as to say this proves my thesis, that:

Thinking is bad for you.

For example, I was thinking we should get a herd of pygmy goats.

My wife, although a fan of small cute animals, disagrees.

Do you see?

Thinking is leads to trouble.

It almost resulted in me selling my new wife for a herd of goats.

I know that’s not very good science, but “let’s get serious” for a moment.

See if my argument matches your personal observation.

The reason I say thinking is bad for you,

- in any field of human endeavour but especially the physical -

Is because too much thought means the mind becomes a micro manager.

It gets involved everywhere, and ruins everything.

It's constantly sending out instructions and/or ideas, and your body can’t respond to all of them fast enough.

As an experience, it’s the difference between being in a state of mental and physical agitation,

i.e. too aroused …

(Quit sniggering in the back)

… And being calm yet focussed. Relaxed, but ready.

You know that difference, I would say quite well.

You know it when you’re out in nature, but you also know that difference when you’re sitting down looking to work out a problem.

Too much thought gets in the way.

The best role for your mind is as an “overseer”.

A general manager type who only looks at the big picture and lets the troops (your muscles, heart, lungs, instincts) take over the moment to moment running of the show.

It brings a state of calm, focus.

Your body can then “soak” up what it needs to do.

Instead of 100 instructions being thrown at it, the necessary one or two can go in, and in deep.

You’re working on a problem?

Same thing -

You can focus on the necessaries and discard the “won’t works” and “why won’t this works?” and “I should give up because I’m no good anyways” and especially the “I wonder what’s for dinners?”

To be calm yet focussed in any situation is not something people “know” how to do.

Simply because they don’t practice it.

How can you launch into Zone mode if you aren’t doing it, day in day out?

Add some pressure and flight or fight mode usually kicks in, just through habit.

So that’s what I got for you.

Be aware as you go about your day how much you are involved in unnecessary thinking.

In awareness you have choice.

Make the choice to stop thinking and be more present.


Take it easy out there! Arjuna


I have something for thinking too much.

A practice, a tool, a technique that will bring you to a state of calm and focus.

It results in a type of mental fitness, one that means you don’t habitually engage micro manager mind mode.

Not only do you become more effective in what you want to do, it also means you will enjoy life to a much greater level than ever before.

Go here to get more info, and daily emails like this one:


Using The Power Of Your Mind For Good, Not Evil

powerfulYour mind is the most powerful force you possess. A long time ago a guy called Buddha worked that out and said:

“The mind is everything. What you think you become.”

Smart guy. Your mind is the foundation for everything you do and say.

Change your mind, change the way you react to the world.

When I started to realise how wonky my thoughts could be I did more and more research into this.

I think perhaps it’s self evident the power of positive thinking in something like healing.

You will know yourself the power of having a clear focus in the outdoors in terms of being able to do what you want to do.

Equally you would have seen the results of anxiety and a lack of focus when you’re trying to do something.


Did you know that your body is trying to respond to each and every thought you have?

Every time you think your body responds.

Certainly, the stronger the belief in the thought the stronger the reaction.

But even the smallest of thoughts causes a subtle response in the cells.

Combined with the fact that we have something like 60-70,000 thoughts every day, do you see how our bodies are shaped by the quality AND the quantity of mental activity?

No wonder Buddha said what he did.

Your mind shapes everything - your body, the way you react, your levels of energy, of level headedness, what you say and what you do.

Change your mind, change everything.

The trillion pound question is, HOW?

How do you change your head?

It all begins in awareness. Being aware of what you are actually thinking. In awareness you have choice.

Now I know a very powerful way of going beyond the negativity of your mind. Of being so aware, you can focus on anything you want and not let your focus shift.

Of not thinking so much, of even re-wiring your brain so you automatically respond in the ways you want to … and not in ways that cause regret.

It requires you to give up nothing, except limitation.

It’s super simple, all it requires is you to practice.

And I can show you.

In fact I need volunteers to help me prove that what I have to teach gets some very cool results for outdoor guys.

I have only a few seats left, so if you are keen to be a part of this, opt in and get more information here:

https://arjunaishaya.leadpages.co/outdoors/ Go well out there!


PS. Saw the new Star Trek film last night. Loved it, but I am a Star Trek fan (not a freak) so am a bit more easy going.

Best line?

"There is nothing unknown, only that which is not yet known"

Sounded super profound last night at least.

“Your Programme Seems Too Good To Be True”

too goodSome people been asking. They say what I'm offering on this free trial programme that I need volunteers for seems too good to be true.

And it would appear so, on the surface yes - it does appear that this is too good to be true.

But what if it wasn’t?

What if it delivered exactly what it says it will?

I get scepticism, I really do. It’s important. 

But equally important is the willingness to fully test it.

You can sit on the sidelines with your arms folded all your life if you like, but doing so means you’ll never play.

You can stick your toe in the water, but the only way of really knowing is by jumping in.

That’s a tip you can take for any part of your life.

Like your relationship, for example.

If you never fully jump in, you will never know.

The other thing that is a bit sad in a sense, we as humans have become so used to stress and struggle that we believe it's an inevitable part of life.

But what if it's not?

Seriously. ^^^^

What if stress was useless to you?

I had a discussion with my brother (he’s a banker) - we were talking about this very thing.

He argued that he got paid to be stressed.

I said no, he gets paid to be responsible, not stressed.

Stress isn’t necessary.

A certain level of aliveness and focus and intensity is required sometimes, but stress?


All the times in the outdoors when I’ve been overloaded with fear and self doubt?

Had a terrible time. Got worked over.

Went over a waterfall backwards and upside down once, simply because I freaked out and shut down.

Not nice.

You stress, you shut down, sometimes you actually curl up into a little ball.

Which is lovely when you’re at home in bed, but halfway up a rock face?

Not pretty.

Becoming free of the habits that you have that lead to overload and stress will take work.

It will.

I don't have a magic pill. And if you're looking for one you might as well unsubscribe now.

Becoming better at anything takes effort.

It takes practice, and practicing the right things.

I can give you these right things.

It also takes not stopping until you're done.

And not many people actually go all the way.

But if you’re willing to not stop until you get what you want, then wow.

There’s nothing that can stop you.

For the sceptics, this I do know: These tools that I am offering to teach 8, maybe 10, volunteers (for free, although there are some requirements), are simple, easy to practice and integrate into the outdoors, and your life.

They work for all those who use them as I taught them. They do what they say they will.

You get freedom from that whiny voice in your head so you, well, don’t have that guy in your head because he’s a bit of a dick, and annoying actually.

The trial programme is of sufficient time for you to develop the habit of using them.

After the programme you’ll have the results, the motivation, and the understanding to keep using them.

I’m actually guaranteeing that if you do what I say, you won’t want to stop using them.

You will see such change as well as potential for future use, you won’t want to stop.

Your partner and family won’t want you to stop using them either, such is the pleasure of having the best version of you around.

And if none of that happens for you?

I’ll unreservedly coach you one on one until you get the results you do want.

For as long as it takes.

I don’t know how you can lose.

So if you want a spot, get more information here before someone else gets your seat:

https://arjunaishaya.leadpages.co/outdoors/ Have a great day, ok? Arjuna

PS. My brother, the banker?

He did one of my early programmes, and loved it.

If it works for bankers and all the heavy karma they’re carrying?

It’ll work for you:


I’m really joking about the karma.

Why? Why do you do it?

whyThe reason I started working on "mental fitness" was because of the outdoors. Being out on a river or up a mountain gave me the ability to be completely present. I could taste the sense of presence, of flow and the zone, leaving the humdrum behind.

With my friends, laughing and shouting, focused and dedicated, seeing if I could make my body do what I wanted it to.

Teamwork, mastery, challenge, nature, complete immersion in the moment.

Being in the outdoors was, in a real sense, my meditation. All going well - I’d come home super happy, satisfied, full up.

Tired, but so alive - you know?

Present to this moment. And content in it.

And it would last for days. Sometimes even beyond a week.

A feeling of everything being in perspective.

Of no matter what, I was alive, and being alive was bigger and more important than any worry.

Relegated to the sidelines were the doubts and the worries, the bills and the grind, the argument with my girlfriend: they were put back, they weren’t central.

Instead, in front was the simple pleasure of life:

Perfect. Happy. Good.

Trouble is - the worry always crept back in.

The high never lasts.

The simple convenience of getting hot water from a tap?

No longer superb.

You lose that sense of presence, of being in the moment.

You forget.

The drugs don’t work - at least not permanently.

That’s why you see guys who are addicted to pushing their limits.

I have nothing against that, I think testing one’s mettle is important.

But addicted to constantly being on the edge? Not content unless you’re out there on some desperate mission?

Something seriously wrong there.

There’s no balance. There is a life beyond the outdoors.

A wife, a family, maybe an education or a career you want to develop.

You can’t avoid it (unless you can convince yourself you’re happy being one dimensional) and you shouldn’t avoid it. There’s so much there.

I wanted balance.

And permanence.

If I could find that place where my worries weren’t central and overwhelming for some days, or even weeks, why not forever?

If I could enjoy the sheer beauty of just being alive for a few days, why not forever?

And so I figured if I practiced the head stuff and got better at it, maybe I could make it permanent.

I was right.

You can make it permanent.

You want that?

You can have it.

You just need the right tools and the right understanding.

(It can be simple. You don't need to sit cross legged on the floor and chant. A comfy chair will do the trick).

You need the right amount of support to get you to the point where the practice is a habit.

Where it becomes super natural, and the outside support isn’t needed to keep you going.

If you want that?

If any of the above resonates with you?

Get on my email list and get the right information, right here:

It may well be the best thing you’ve ever done:


Have a great day.

Live well, okay? You don't know how much time you have. - Arjuna

PS. I’m a little evangelical about this programme that I’m offering to trial for free.

I believe it could well be life-changing.

Everything relies on your level of mental fitness.

Without that, you’re lost.

With it, you’re unstoppable.

Life becomes one great adventure. Super fun.

And with this trial programme that I'm running only once ...?

What have you got to lose?

Get more information by going here:

https://arjunaishaya.leadpages.co/outdoors/ But I wouldn’t wait, just because you’re not the only one waiting on the sidelines.

With limited seating around this table, you need to make sure you get a seat.

Jump in, and sit down.

(Apologies for mixing my metaphors)

Where did "I'm such a stupid loser" go?

stupidHad a sensational morning this morning. Actually, I know how hearing about someone's "amazing" morning is about appealing as hearing about someone else's "amazing" dream last night.

Which is to say, not much, not at all.

But bear with me. 

Went for run down through the forest and everything was bright and shiny and just peachy.

Sun on my skin, I had this heightened sense of perception - it seemed like I was aware of all this life around me as I moved through the trees, jumping rocks, skipping across the ground.

Loved it.

I live for moments like that. It means life makes sense.

I know you don’t have control of those really heightened sense of wow, “I’m alive” moments but the more present and aware I’ve become, the more often those moments have come.

And equally the less that sense of heaviness and drudgery and greyness is there. Less those thoughts of how stupid I am.

I used to have those ^^^^ all the time, and this morning I realised they just don't come so much any more.

In fact, there are way more "cool" moments than "stupid" moments. Which is very nice.

More “wow” and less “I’m a loser” is such a better, happier, healthier (and probably more productive way) to live.

And you can have that too. I’m not special, just stubborn.

The reason I’m still practicing and teaching meditation after 13 years is because it is ever increasingly clear and obvious:

All anyone has to do to have a better attitude, a better mental approach, a better life free of doubt and worry and fear is to be more present and aware.

The secret to life lies in awareness and presence.

In presence and awareness the thoughts that create mayhem become more obvious.

In their obviousness they can be optional, not a reality.

Because they are optional you get a choice in what actually is your reality.

In other words, what you focus on grows.

And when you focus on something else? What happens to whatever fears and doubts and limiting circuits you have in your head?

They just lessen over time. They just lose their juice.

They were never real, its just that they had appeal in the past. They seemed like they might be true so you listened.

They’re not true at all - with awareness you get to see that.

All awareness and presence takes is practice. That’s all.

Simple practice.

So be stubborn. Work out how you want to live, and practice what it takes to get you there.

Experimental “guinea pig” trial goes live tonight!

My guinea pig trial is almost ready to go live to the public.

I think I’ll have everything together by tonight, which is awesome and very exciting.

The sole purpose of this trial is to bring my methods to Darlington based outdoor enthusiasts.

I’m looking for 8-10 men aged 27-47 who want to up their mental game in the outdoors a considerable notch or two who are willing to follow instructions.

I promise these volunteers less doubt, less fear, more confidence, more clarity, more fluid skills, more adventures, better stories.

More wow moments in fact - and both in the outdoors, and in daily life.

If you want to be involved, or may know someone who would be a perfect candidate, then click the link:


I’m really excited about the whole programme, it’s a doozy.

If you already have learnt the Ishayas’ Ascension then you have everything you need. Just practice it!! Every day.

The hardest thing about Ascension meditation will always be finding time to sit down. And that’s the way it should be. Ascension meditation is never hard - its just hard to break the habit of being too busy.

Questions? Email me if you need anything. Have a superb day, Arjuna

PS. Did you know that the reason I meditate is because of the outdoors?

Spending time in nature brought me to a meditative state.

I decided that it would be nice to have that all the time, not just when I was up a river.

I wanted that heightened perception, aliveness, absolute presence and feeling of “flow” all the time.

So I went out and found out how to have it, all the time.

If you want the same, here’s the link:


The truth can be found in a good cup of tea

teacupSeems like every time I open the newspaper there is a fresh article explaining how the UK is going down the drain - but perhaps that’s just the papers I’m reading. I’m sure there’s some papers who are saying good things. Perhaps the country is going up the drain? I don’t know. Do you?

Any how - I do know that I have a hot cup of tea in my hand and it’s a particularly good one. This one thing is a statement of fact. I know this to be true.

The ex-fiancee (don’t worry, she’s now my wife - she likes my little jokes) tells me I make a fine brew, so she must think it’s true too.

But that could well be a particularly clever strategy to keep me motivated to make tea for her. Hmmmm…. she is tricksier than she looks.

What is true?

You ever think you were hungry, get distracted by something and then realise you are no longer hungry?

I have.

Actually, you ever not been hungry, and then started thinking about food - I don’t know, maybe you were writing about food, and even though you are not hungry all of sudden you’re at the refrigerator door?

Yup, I have - almost got up in search of a bacon burger just now.

Ever think: “there’s no way I can go on?” And yet you hitch up your trousers and carry on?

Yup, me too. Both when I was lost out walking (the ex-fiancee was not impressed); and lost out in the wilder regions of my own mind.

Finding a way back to the clearing - both times - was such a relief.

But here’s the thing:

Your thoughts do not have to be your reality.

They can be optional, they can be a fleeting movement of opinion floating through your awareness.

The result of believing your thoughts means that you become them.

That’s fine if they’re good thoughts - all is well; catastrophic when you have bad thoughts. You start ducking and diving, weaving and jabbing - like some kind of deranged Muhammed Ali in a running battle with your own head.

Hard work.

You can’t control your thoughts - you really can’t. I’ve tried stopping them, and it almost caused me a nosebleed. You can try if you want, but make sure you have some tissues ready.

Much much easier is to learn how to let them go by. Develop an attitude of “I don’t care” - and learn to watch and observe.

Then you’re free. The most awful thought in the world can continue to pop into your head and because it isn’t the truth, just an option, you breathe easy.

And that is the biggest secret of meditation. Learn to ignore, put your attention on what you want to grow.

It gets simpler through practice, and the right tools, promise you that.

And the practice is quite nice too. Relaxing and rejuvenating.

Need anything? Send me an email. Till then, take it easy - Arjuna

Mountain Mindset - mental fitness programme for outdoor fellas.

I’ve been busy putting the final touches on my experimental trial for outdoor athletes that I was telling you about yesterday.

I’m on the hunt for some guinea pigs - I really want to see what the results will be for these guys who get selected when they do exactly what I ask them.

I’m predicting the ability to ignore doubt and fear and launch into the outdoors with heightened awareness and heightened skills. Relaxed but focussed. Setting the mind to one side, and "just doing it". Total enjoyment and satisfaction. Coming home completely content.

If you think you might be one (you have to be male, between 27-47 and be in easy access of Darlington) or you think you might know one, here’s the link:


Places are limited!

How to be more present

Here I am once again in my little home office (read coffee table on the floor). Coffee in hand, sun coming through the window.

All is well in my world. Which is the way I like it.

The more I do this meditation malarky, and the more I do my best to help others too, the more obvious it seems to me.

The bottom line to all happiness, all calm, all contentment, all stress and struggle free living, to all being a better person …

… is simply down to whether you are in your head thinking about stuff or whether you are present and alive to this moment.


I get it - simple, but perhaps not easy.

People tell me it’s hard to be present.

It’s actually not hard - you can be present right now, anyone can be present now, right?

What people find hard is being constantly, continuously present.

To make it easier - and the conclusion you will come to anyway:

You only have now. Now is the only time you can do anything, including being present.

You will drift, you will get distracted, you will.

No worries!

It’s only a problem if you make it a problem.

Wondering where you were, or beating yourself up for not being present a moment ago…

It’s worthless. Don’t waste a moment. Just jump in, right here, once again.

Make this more important than anything else.

Immerse yourself in this moment, in what is right in front of you.

The more you get used to this return, the stronger the experience gets of being here.

Notice when your head wants to think about something else - something that you can’t do anything about right now - and gently but definitely bring yourself back.

If you know the Ishayas’ Ascension attitudes then you have a great tool. Put more attention on those words than anything else. They will help break the loops and habits of certain thinking patterns quick.

The habit of drifting and thinking and worrying just dies. It does.

But it dies quicker when you treat it all as a game. When you make this moment more important than anything else.

OK? So take it easy and enjoy yourself.

If you want to make things easy for yourself, come to the next Ishayas’ Ascension course (remember you can repeat for free):


Let me know if you have any questions about any of this stuff, I'd love to help out. - Arjuna