Continuing a hot streak here, 2nd week in a row! (You have to celebrate the small things, don’t yuh? Heh heh) Some homework for you. Now – don’t get down in the dumps, this isn’t some useless exercise in pointlessness. It is a topic for you to explore in life and in your Ascension or meditation practice so you can be more awake and alive.
This week’s homework for you. Enjoy!
Where are you? Here, or elsewhere?
Drifted, distracted? No worries - just return. No recriminations, no violence, nothing.
Make the most of your choice in THIS moment. Disregard all other moments, make the most of this.
Keep it as simple as being on or off. There is only awake to this, or asleep. Don't make it about becoming or getting better, simply tune in when you realise you've fallen asleep.
Do this - remember to remember - and you will forget to forget, but you won't care because you will realise this moment is the only moment you have.
What do I take from this? Well, first of all I want you to explore this topic and find out what it means for YOU.
The teaching of the Ishayas is always about pointing the finger back at your own heart, and asking you “What is YOUR experience?”.
There are so many experts out there and we give away our power so often to them, instead of owning what we know and living a life based on that. Of course, taking guidance and inspiration from others is important, NOT doing that would be more than a little foolish, not to say arrogant.
But ultimately the buck stops with you. Alrighty?
Back to the topic at hand – making your choice simply about whether you are right here, right now or drifting off somewhere else, means life gets extremely simple, quick.
So often a spiritual path is just that – a path, a journey. And it is, you transform in ways you won’t even realise, and all for the better.
However, a spiritual path is full of paradoxes. The biggest one is that you transform by giving up the idea of progress, instead being completely present and not caring about any other moment in time.
The spiritual path is solely (or should be) about your relationship with the presence of Now.
This here, this moment, is all you need to concern yourself with.
This is it! Are you here, or elsewhere? Are you tuned in? Or asleep?
Don’t make it about getting better at being here. Don’t regret falling asleep. Don’t make it about trying to improve this now, trying to make it match your idea of what it should be like.
Just show up to now, completely and fully.
You will find out a host of things, perhaps one of them being that stress and fear and chaos does not exist when you fully get here.
And that is worth the price of admission alone. Let me know how you go. Next Friday? A new topic – but don’t be getting ahead of yourself now. Just now.
Go well! Arjuna
PS. Want a place on my six-month one-on-one “200% of life” coaching to transform your relationship with your mind, stress, chaos, the past and the future, the presence of Now, aliveness, awareness and freedom?
Send me an email and I’ll let you know.