Homework - for more presence, calm, focus and fun? Every week baby!

For about 5 years now I’ve been writing a weekly “homework” for those good people who practice the Bright Path Ishayas’ Ascension and I decided I wanted to share them with you, regardless of whether you Ascend or not. Now I can already hear people groaning out there: “Homework?! And on a Friday?! What the …?” as all those school memories come flooding back.

Hang on to your horses, don’t get your freckles in a twist. I called it “homework,” but really its a topic or idea for you to play around with while you meditate or live your life, all so you can have more fun, focus and freedom.

I think one of the greatest skills us humans possess is the ability to make anything humdrum. “I’m bored!” are possibly the first words out of a teenager’s mouth, and as adults we kinda still do that, although perhaps not as intentionally.

So I’m actually trying to do you a favour!

Promise - I’m not a fan of boring pointless tasks of any description either.

These topics are to keep each and every moment fresh and alive by giving you a focus, something to do rather than “just” show up to life by being mindful, present and aware (as if showing up to your life could ever be described as a “just”).

If you explore these topics with curiosity and innocence – as I said, whilst meditating or just out about living – you’ll find you’ll discover much about your mind and your attitudes, your habits, and you’ll make this moment so much more rich and alive …

Simply because you’re becoming more and more interested in it.

They’ll come out every Friday, and they're always a two-parter so you have a couple of weeks to really get to grips with them.

Some are deceptively simple, like this weeks. Don't let that fool you into thinking you don't need to give them any attention. Okay?

So watch out for them every Friday… here’s this week’s with a little bonus commentary from me.


Here or Elsewhere - Part 1

Where are you? Here, or elsewhere?

Drifted, distracted? No worries - just return. No recriminations, no violence, nothing.

Make the most of your choice in THIS moment. Disregard all other moments, make the most of this.

Keep it as simple as being on or off. There is only awake to this, or asleep. Don't make it about becoming or getting better, simply tune in when you realise you've fallen asleep.

Do this - remember to remember - and you will forget to forget, but you won't care because you will realise this moment is the only moment you have.


So, as the man said, keep it simple - ha!

Amazing how much we complicate things. I love this homework because it doesn’t make it about any other moment.

It can be so tempting to believe that “if only I had been present for longer in the past, then my life in this moment would be better …”

We make simply being present about getting better at being present. Which happens all by itself, cos the more you remember means the more you remember ...

But how bizarre that our minds can even make waking up to now a process!

Now is now, it don’t happen any other time!

So say “NAH” to the process, don’t look back. Start fresh, start fully, make it only about now. No violence or recriminations, no reflecting on any other moment, just jump in to this moment.



Nothing happens if you just read it and forget. The question then becomes: How will you remember to remember?

Go well! Arjuna

PS. As I said last email, I’m setting up a 6 month one-on-one mentoring/coaching programme. I’m pretty excited about it, and lots of people have been telling me they’re interested.

I only want to take a few people so I can give them my full attention whilst still having time for my family and to get away kayaking (yes!), therefore I believe demand will be high.

If you’re keen on really making not only calm, fun and presence but focus and effectiveness the foundation of your life, this is what it’s all about.

Hit reply and tell me you’d like to be on the early bird info list and I can tell you everything about this programme as soon as I’ve worked out the finer details.

Excellent! Have a great old day now.