The simple and secret trick that means Muggles become Magical

Before I discovered the power, ease and simplicity of Ascension meditation … Was that a blatant pitch in the first line?

Seems like it.

You have to realise that I am so biased …

I am so friggin passionate (sorry dad, got carried away there) about making things easy for you who say you want to live the best life possible …

There is such relentless drive to make sure you know that the way your mind uses you means it is your worst enemy …

I will keep raving on until you take up my offer of the complete treasure map (complete with compass and shovel) to an exceptional life in all aspects…

Or you get sick of me and unsubscribe (the link is always there, at the bottom) to settle into mediocrity.


But I do believe I’m not alone.

Here’s Julia who wrote to me the other day on Ascension meditation: ___________

“I'm like a different person, well the same but what is left is the best version of myself. It's the ONLY thing that allowed me to drop the anxiety and depression I'd been carrying with me throughout my life! I didn't even have to deal with it anymore, it's like gone!! Weird to think how consumed my life was by that before- like some weird nightmare.

Now I'm living a life I could never have dreamt of! So full, content and amazing!! And it's all a choice, I have an actual choice to live my life that way with the techniques you taught. I'm one for adventure, and this opens up that sense of wonder and amazement in the most 'mundane' of tasks. Life is just amazing now!!”


One happy bunny. I didn’t pay her, promise.

You ever read Harry Potter?

My life (and Julia’s) before Ascension? Mugglez 4 Life

I didn’t realise that. You don’t know what you don’t know. Though there were hints of something else …

… Moments and snippets of “Yes! This is what life should be about!”

But what if every single moment could be filled with that?

Filled with contentment, clarity, calm, focus, happiness, peace, potential and purpose?

What if magic was hiding, just around the corner of your being?

How about if magic was always there, always within you, you just needed reminding how to access it?

What if you were the finest wizard pretending to be a muggle?

Superman pretending to be Clark Kent?

Thor without his hammer?

Dude - there isn’t a moment to waste.

You don’t have to settle for less. You can if you want, but why would you?

So my answer is: Ascension meditation weekend, 15-17 April: the beginning of the rest of your life.

£200 - get complete blueprint with money back guarantee, and all the support you need/want for the rest of your life, have magic.

Bargain: click here to book seat:

Remember, no matter what you do, the magic is within you, always, no matter what.


- Arjuna