Time for some honesty

The best thing you can do for yourself is to take an honest evaluation of where you are at. Everyone has at least one area where they’re not fully firing. Where they’re not very good at.

There are places (to be brutal) in your life where you down right suck at.

Take some time and see where this is for you.

Be honest with yourself, there is no point hiding.

There is no point in covering it up, or ignoring it in the hope that it will go away or get better by itself.

It won’t get better by itself.

I thought that ^^^

And so I lived half-arsed for a long time.

What areas of your life can you improve in?

For me, it’s business. I am a complete novice in all matters of business.

The other big area of growth for me is relationships. Learning “what women want”, and how to give that to my fiancee.

In both those areas I have been guilty of hiding, head in the sand approach.

But my strength now is that I know where I suck.

I’m honest and upfront with myself about that, and therefore I can get the help I need to get better.

So it’s straightforward.

In business for example, I’ve put a plan in place, signed up to two great programmes, paid people to help me.

And for the first time in my life I’m getting better.

I’m learning and growing and moving forward. I’m getting clearer and clearer.

It’s not a coincidence.

It took some courage to take an honest look to begin with, and the determination to do something about it.

But it's worth it. The temporary pain of seeing where you lie to yourself means you can move forward.

A weakness isn’t something to be shy about. If you know it, you can overcome it.

So take a moment, what do you suck at?

If you can’t find a place, ask your loved ones. They know!

And then … Who can help you get better?

If it’s to be a better human that you want, with more calm and clarity, less stress, more happiness, purpose and fulfilment, then you might be interested in my Ascension meditation course.

It’ll give you a precise plan to follow so you can get better. And all the support you should need as well.

Take a look:


I coach one on one too, with a much higher degree of access and accountability for you so you can meet your goals faster and simply. It’s expensive, but people tell me it’s worth it.

If you’re interested or just have a question, just ask. I really am so happy to help. This is what I do, and I love to do.

Whatever you end up doing today, remember to enjoy each and every moment. - Arjuna