A time for honesty versus a time for self-abuse

Yesterday I wrote about being honest and clear about the areas of life where you "suck" at. My idea is that it's good to know what you aren't so good at so you can get better at it.

A reader wrote and pointed out that for many people that's all they get from their heads - constant self criticism.

And I understand that.

I know sometimes even for the most gentle of heads it will give you a long list of reasons why you are no good.

Living with that day in, day out is exhausting. Demoralising.

I know because I've lived through periods of my life where it is just misery to be left alone with my thoughts.

Like last thing at night when all you want to do is rest but your head just provides a list of what you haven't done right and "what's the point anyway?”

Success for me, at one time, was just being able to get out of bed in the morning.

Meditation is an excellent refuge from those negative patterns. It really is.

Ultimately, if you continue to practice, it is a source of great healing where the root of those beliefs and judgements about yourself can simply be evaporated.

They honestly get lighter and lighter and stop coming.

It's a process for sure, but meditation is a means of a) coming to terms with your own mind, b) resetting all those limiting and destructive, self sabotaging programmes.

That's why it's called Ascension meditation. It is a practice to rise beyond whatever is limiting you from experiencing everything life has to offer.

That is regardless if you've had a sweet easy straightforward life, or a not so smooth ride. Regardless of what your mind tells you.

If all you have is hope that you can even have a slightly better life you are blessed.

So many people don't even have hope.

And I think that's where honesty and clarity still has its part to play.

Not to indulge in some self abuse, but to take stock and provide some impetus to do something about what you find.

Where you want more?

Are you really living the life you want?

Indeed, does your mind "suck"?

Do you know what to do about it, apart from sedating and trying to avoid it?

Do you have a dream, a suspicion even, that somehow someday it might be easier just to walk this Earth?

Do you need help doing this?

In honesty you'll be able to come to terms with the fact that perhaps something needs to be done, something different.

It might give you the impetus to not settle for less.

So take heart, take refuge in the fact that there is a way out of even the most difficult of circumstances.

There really is. But there might have to be a reckoning:  What will you do about it?

Because if you're prepared to do something about it, then I can help you.

One of these things is teaching you Ascension meditation:


Take it easy - it’s a fine balance between achieving your goals and being absolutely content with exactly where you are.

Talk more tomorrow, Arjuna