Dropping the story that is holding you back

Someone wise once said that the result of meditation is the letting go of what you don’t need and what you are not. What happens when what you don’t need and what you are not gets dropped?

You’ll have to tell me.

It will be individual to you.

For me what I don’t need has been always been wrapped up around doubt and worry.

The ability to have a quiet mind is incredible.

The ability to be present and really enjoy this moment has become natural, something that happens by default. Which is such a blessing.

Whatever happens for you it will be like realising that all this time you’ve been trying to move forward and your handbrake has been on.

Life without a handbrake is something to behold.

Now taking the handbrake off means dealing with your story.

Drop all the stories, even the ones that seem “real” and “valid”.

What is real and valid anyway?

What you parents told you? What other people believe? What is important to someone else?

What is true for you? For the life you want to live?

Just for a moment, ask yourself:

What if everything your mind told you was a story, an excuse?

What would happen then?

What would that mean for your experience of this moment in time?

What would that mean for future choices, for future plans?

Ahhh... so many questions.

It comes down to this:

There are two “you”s.

One is based on what you don’t need and what you are not. In other words, it is based on stress and stories.

The other is centred around on who you really are, the authentic true best version of you.

One is like driving with the handbrake on.

The other is like flying, free as a bird.

All that is required to fly is the willingness to drop everything that you don’t need and that isn’t you.

See clearly.

You don’t have to change in any other way.

I promise. I promise.

I've been doing this a long long time, and you just have to drop the story.

Easier said than done, but I know a way:

If you’d like the tools to drop everything that limits you, that really honestly works, come and get them:


It’ll be a lot of fun, and super powerful too. You won’t regret it.

Have a grand day, and keep flying. - Arjuna